Monday, 12 December 2022
by Najihah Azlan

Fashion has always evolved to adapt to the trends, incorporating both tradition and its functionality. But for Terlethak, ‘weird but stylish’ costumes become the identity of this new brand, established by a new fashion designer who has just forged a name in this industry. 

The founder or better known as the Creative Director of @terlethak_byhk, Mohammad Hazreem Khan Mazlan, 24, wished that more people would acknowledge him with his unique clothes and aimed to establish the brand’s name worldwide.

Hazreem Khan is an enthusiastic fashion designer.

(Source: Instagram @hazreemkhan)

“I hope for the next 10 years, I can be as successful as other designers. I wish one day people will acknowledge me for my strange apparel. Reaching international markets is my ultimate goal so that outsiders know about our brand,” said Hazreem. 

Terlethak was established three years ago, with the sense to guarantee that the clothing is made so that the wearer may showcase their unique personal side from the fits that suit them pleasantly and flawlessly. The brand focuses on costume wear for events and occasion, bridal lines, and specialize in made-to-measure pieces.  

Hazeem, a devoted graduate of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) earned a diploma in Art and Design (Textile), before pursuing a Bachelor of Fashion Design at UiTM Shah Alam. He recently completed his degree studies in August 2022.  

Hazreem stated that he has been fascinated by fashion since he was young, which led him to where he is now.

“Fashion is very subjective and evolving. If you enjoy doing magazine fashion, just go for it. During my diploma, I am used to batik, songket weaving, and manual printing. From there, I visioned what path I can take which is in line with my interest,” Hazreem added.

Behind the scenes of his work, sketching, and photography sessions.

(Source: Hazreem Khan)

“There is no one who gives me exposure related to fashion. My babysitter even said I was always playing with fabrics and such. I remember starting to sew clothes when I was six years old.

“But one thing that is quite challenging for me is the acceptance of my family. At first, trying to win the family's approval is difficult. Because of the mentality that fashion is only a woman’s thing and that only women can do it. I've now shown them what I'm capable of in this field,” he said. 

Despite Terlethak being a rookie in this field, Hazreem is determined to make steady progress by enlisting to collaborate with many others. As of now, he created costumes for Dewi Remaja and collaborates with Behati, a traditional future-wear brand.

Recently, for the semi-finals of Muzik-Muzik 37 (SFMM37), Iman Troye looked stunning in the outfit ‘Puteri Nang’, exclusively by Terlethak

Iman Troye dressed in ‘Puteri Nang’ for semi-finals of Muzik-Muzik 37.

(Source: Instagram @Imantroye)

As Terlethak is still in its early stages, Hazreem bears a significant amount of responsibility as its founder. Most of the work is typically done entirely by him, including designing, looking for a suitable fabric, proceeding with sewing, and marketing. 

It is indeed a challenging profession, but it is worth a million times more because of his intense passion for fashion.

Although Hazreem runs his own business, he is currently working as a master pattern designer for Jakel Mall, Kuala Lumpur. Having two jobs at the same time has helped him through the fashion industry's journey, and he gained more experience handling backstage and communicating with artists and customers.

Some criticize Hazreem's design, however his sister, Nur Haziqah Mazlan, 25, appreciates the underlying creativity of his work.

Haziqah wore one of Hazreem's authentic timeless pieces.

(Source: Haziqah Mazlan)

“I’ve been his model since he was studying. One word to describe Terlethak’s fashion style is an extravaganza! He always comes up with top-notch details as he puts his all into his creations.

“I don’t mind if people criticize his weird fashion sense as that’s who he is. I hope more people will embrace his design in the future and bring fresh air to the fashion world,” said Haziqah.

To be the finest and offer a new color to the business, Hazreem believes that individuals must have a strong attitude and refuse to allow others to criticize their fashion sense.

“Truth be told, for example, Aina Abdul's fashion style may receive negative feedback as it is not the preferred taste of the majority of Malaysians. But I have a lot of respect for her because, despite wearing a hijab, she isn't afraid to try new things. I am confident that this type of fashion will slowly gain acceptance from our people,” Hazreem said.   

Supporting our talented local fashion designers would definitely bring massive encouragement for them to fly high in their businesses.

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