Friday, 10 December 2021
By Haikal Ramli

Authorities are visiting rainwater storage tanks

(Source: KlateDaily.com )

KOTA BHARU: The Kelantan state-government encourages the people of its state to use rainwater as a new option to overcome the problem of lack of water supply and clean water sources to carry out daily routines.

Clean water is one of the basic facilities issues that has plagued the Kelantan government for a long time.

Water is the basis of all life, hence, this water issue that has been faced by the people for so long is a major problem that should be solved as soon as possible.

According to Malaysiakini, Minister of Ministry Environment and Water (KASA), Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man encouraged the people of Kelantan to harvest rainwater for their daily use.

The statement received mixed reactions among netizens, with some describing the proposal to be primitive.

However, a lecturer from the Faculty of Information Management in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan, Amira Idayu, believes that this proposal is not as bad as what some say.

She stated that this method has been long practiced in Brazil, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, among other countries.

This means that if it has been applied in other countries, we should take into account in learning what and how this method of rain harvesting works.

Infographics explaining the process of Rainwater Catchment System

(Source: SelangorKini)

This Rainwater Catchment System aims to increase the diversity of water resources for public use, especially when the supply of raw water in a building is not enough to meet the requirements.

Rainwater can be useful as harvesting it is cheaper than building a good drainage system, thus saving resources.

The system also helps alleviate water run-off by having a catchment system to prevent overflowing in adverse rain events.

“The implementation of a rainwater catchment system at home requires some modifications in terms of the roof shape to ensure the collection of rainwater is maximized and can be channeled to the tank.

“With water shortages becoming a pressing problem for many densely populated areas, rainwater catchment systems can provide a supply at home and suitable for business purposes by using water stored in the summer and less rain,” said Amira.

Afiqah Amin, a Kelantan resident, stated that the problem in the state is not the lack of water supply but its dirtiness and pollution.

If the natural water catchment system is not disturbed, there is no need for people to harvest rainwater for daily use.

“The water problem in Kelantan is not directly caused by climate change, because water resources in Kelantan are abundant, with an even distribution of rainfall throughout the year.

“If it is true that the ministry wants to encourage people to use the rainwater catchment system at home, there are many things that need to be taken into consideration. The most important thing is cost,” said Afiqah Amin.

This proposal can be said to have both advantages and disadvantages for the people of Kelantan. It is hoped that the clean water issue in Kelantan can be resolved as soon as possible.

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