

Friday, 28 May 2021
By Sharmila Shahrulnizam

Factories located near the residential area.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Sharmila Shahrulnizam)

KLUANG – Residents living near Batu 4, an industrial area in Kluang expressed their concern over a number of pollutants that happened here. This matter has been a problem for the residents over the years.

According to the Journal of Techno Social, residential consolation is an essential issue in figuring out the general first-class of life. People will enjoy a degree of stability that can be maintained by sustainable growth.

However, an interview conducted by Berita DIMENSi with Sarah Raidah, 22, a permanent resident who lives near the industrial area voices her concerns about the ongoing pollution that frequently happens there.

"The pollutants that frequently happen are noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and odour pollution. This pollution occurred due to the production process from the factories around here," said Sarah Raidah.

Noise and odour pollution are major concerns for the residents. This is due to a factory emitting unpleasant odour near the residential areas. These circumstances are upsetting the locals that reside there.

The noises from the factory also cause disturbance to the residents. This happens due to the fact that several factories are open 24 hours a day. Heavy vehicles transporting goods from factories often come in and out, disrupting the nights of the people in that area.

An oil palm processing factory near a residential area.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Sharmila Shahrulnizam)

“Although the air quality here is not that bad, I am concerned about the smoke released by factories in the neighbourhood. It might affect our health in the long-term period.

“My family was a little concerned about letting my nephew play outside because our area is full of factories. We are worried about our nephew's health because the oil palm factory emits filthy black smoke that may affect her health,” said Sarah.

She also said that she has a two-year-old nephew who stayed with her family.

Sarah went on to say that it could not only be hazardous to children's health but also people of all ages, especially the oil palm factory, which emits dirty smoke from its chimney.

Sembrong Kiri river that was once polluted with river pollution.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Sharmila Shahrulnizam)

Sarah also said that the factory’s license had been revoked due to river pollution. The factory management failed to fully comply with the license requirements, especially to ensure that the treatment pond was properly fenced and functioning properly.

The incompetence of the factory management has resulted in an incident that caused a broken embankment, causing the water from the pond to leak into the river.

“It has resulted in water contamination to the residents around here,” added Sarah.

The Sembrong Kiri and Kahang rivers have been polluted as a result of the factory’s management negligence. Sarah heard of the factory's license suspension from her neighbours since the factory had been closed for quite a long time.

Sarah mentioned that she wants the factory's management to always adhere to the authorities' standard operating procedures.

To be more environmentally friendly, factories that pollute the area with poisonous smoke and waste must upgrade their equipment. This is not just for the sake of the factory, but also for the sake of the locals' peace and comfort.

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