Wednesday, 15 June 2022
By Irene Matius

Kit lenses are generally bundled with the purchase of a new Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera, usually 18-55mm but there are also longer, wider, and more versatile lenses because they can cover wide areas and be quite telephoto.

Beginners should not be in a hurry to spend a lot of money to buy expensive lenses if they already have a kit lens.

A photography enthusiast, especially those who are still beginners, is certainly tempted to have lenses that can produce images that look like a pro.

There is no doubt that many people think this kit lens is considered to be cheap and unsatisfactory quality but if used correctly, this lens can produce quality pictures comparable to other lenses.

Able to Shoot Objects at a Closer Distance

Duncan Cyril, 22, an experienced photographer, stated that a good minimum focusing distance with this kit lens could shoot objects at a closer distance even though the ability is not like a macro lens.

“Apart from the cheaper price, the size of the kit lens is also lighter and smaller compared to other lenses such as Nikon, the kit lens is available in 18-55mm with a weight of 195 grammes and it is very convenient for those who like to travel,” he said during an interview with Berita DIMENSi via WhatsApp.

With close up photography, it lessens the sphere of view, increasing the scale of the subject, and growing a decent frame around the chosen shot.

(Source: Berita DIMENSi/Irene Matius)

Perfectly Fine for Landscape Photography

Kit lenses also help beginners in photography to know what lenses they should buy in the future to produce more good pictures.

Photographers could also take good landscape images with the existing kit lens with a focal length range of 14mm to 35mm.

At 18mm focal length, the lens has a reasonably wide angle, so that it will assist to nail very stunning landscape shots.

(Source: Berita DIMENSi/Irene Matius)

Capture a Sharp Picture

Malvin Michael, 22, a kit lens user, says that all photographers need to experiment and learn how a particular gear set works.

“However, if you want to take photos in night mode, it is better to use a tripod or place the camera on top like a table and set a timer to make the photo look stable and sharper," he said during an interview with Berita DIMENSi via WhatsApp.

For low light shots, it is recommended to shoot in raw format to help make the image brighter during the editing process.

(Source: Berita DIMENSi/Irene Matius)

Optimal sharpness is usually achieved with any lens by moving two stops away from the maximum aperture.

For faster lenses, it may move by three stops. For the f/5.6 kit lens, it will be f/11. Lenses with a fixed focal length of f/2 will be f/4 or f/5.6. Even if you stop down at 1/2 stop, you can dramatically improve the sharpness of some lenses.

The kit lens calls for plenty of ability to recognize the fundamentals and the way they are related so the photographer can quick recognition at the details, which requires excellent hand abilities and coordination.

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