Friday, 10 June 2022
By Nurul Hana

Headaches and migraines have been significantly known as the most common diseases faced by everyone that can affect a person’s daily activities due to the pain itself.

Many people think that headaches and migraines are the same things but these two have many differences in various aspects.

According to an article from Mstar, tension headaches are caused when a person is stressed or anxious, meanwhile a migraine affects a certain side of the head that causes intense pain, blur vision, and dizziness.

Migraine can affect our daily life and activities.

(Source: MStar.com.my)

Dr. Ahmad Samhan, 42, from Klinik Kesihatan Hijraa Chendering 24 Jam, said that headaches are not related to family history but depend on the specific person's daily lifestyle or life management issues.

Migraine on the other side can be related to family history as an important factor in patients' improvement to experience migraine.

“Migraine is not a disease that can lead a person to death, but the pain can interfere with daily life like throbbing pain in the side of the head with pressure behind the eyes that can be quite sensitive to bright light and noises,

“High blood pressure and overuse of caffeine, too much sleep, or lack of sleep might also cause migraines, and too much stress or anxiety might cause tension headaches,” said Dr. Ahmad Samhan in an interview with Berita DIMENSi through WhatsApp.

The difference between headache and migraine.

(Source: Blockchiropt.com)

Irfan Zulkifli, 28, a chiropractor, explained that there are several factors like lifestyle, extreme changes in weather, and changes in the air.

Lighting displays, such as fluorescent lights, decorative lights, or scorching light of the sun, lack of sleep, oversleeping, and lack of water might also cause migraine.

“See a doctor immediately if you feel very severe pain. Headache with fever, neck pain, seizures. Always sleep on time, because a small amount of sleep can cause migraines.

“Stop drinking caffeinated drinks. Even though you are a coffee person, you still have to control the dose by replacing it with taking tea because tea has a lesser amount of caffeine compared to coffee,” said Irfan in an interview with Berita DIMENSi through WhatsApp.

People should not ignore or take these diseases lightly, it might result in easily getting painful strokes and nausea which will make a person vomit, and in some cases, the patient might also die of extreme and untreated pain

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