
Gardening as Therapy during MCO

Monday, 24 May 2021
By Eizzuddin Emir

Siti Fauziah, the garden’s owner, with a healthy and beautiful plant she planted herself.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Eizzuddin Emir)

SARATOK – Throughout the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the country, many new things have become a hobby for Malaysians and one of them is gardening.

Gardening is not only a fun way to pass the time, but it can also be used as a form of therapy to relieve stress from being confined at home.

Since the MCO was implemented, Siti Fauziah Katmon, 51, had wanted to make full use of the yard until she had the idea to plant crops such as vegetables, fruits, and shrubs.

She said that gardening not only provides satisfaction to those who are interested in it, but it also creates a beautiful panorama and great view if the yard is properly utilised. In addition, gardening is a stress-relieving hobby while spending time with your family.

“When I want to turn the yard into a mini-garden area, my husband is completely supportive, especially when it comes to finding or purchasing gardening materials, lifting pots and soil, watering and fertilising the plants on a regular basis.

“I also involve my children in gardening activities, and they enjoy this hobby as well, despite their commitment to studies. They will assist me in uprooting the grass in the pots and watering the plants on a daily basis,” added the mother of three during the interview with Berita DIMENSi.

Mini garden run by Siti Fauziah.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Eizzuddin Emir)

Siti Fauziah, who is also a housewife, said that among the species grown at her yard were Morning Glory, Silver Cock's Combs, Rosa Chinensis, Jasmine, Asian Pigeonwings and the plants are very suitable to be used as a landscaping plant and could also be used in cooking.

Not only landscape plants, but Siti also grows a variety of local fruits, including durian, mangosteen, langsat, and rambutan. The produce will be harvested according to the season, with any excess being sold at Pasar Tani Saratok.

The couple, who live in Saratok, Sarawak also make use of the backyard by planting herbs like turmeric, curry tree, and pandan.

Siti gained a few things from this new hobby, and it really caught the attention of journalists during the interview session. Being kind to the land is a form of therapy as well as a good practise all praises to Allah SWT.

“Gardening can help me think more maturely; when we learn new things, we are motivated to continue learning; however, when something does not go as planned, we perceive it as a failure.

“I often make mistakes, but I will use it as an opportunity to learn something new,” she added.

Even though the garden she produces is not large and fancy, she reaps numerous benefits when she engages in this gardening activity. For her, the result of her garden represents hope that the COVID-19 pandemic will be over soon, and we can all resume our normal lives.

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