

Tuesday, 22 June 2021
By Nurul Nazirah

Fertilizers are often used in oil palm plantations.

(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Nurul Nazirah)

The use of fertilizers in the agricultural fields is unavoidable. Both need each other to ensure that the yields produced by farmers are able to reach optimal levels. However, the excessive use of fertilizer can bring more harm than good to the environment. This effect not only takes months but can have a lasting effect.

However, there are still organic fertilizers that are non-polluting and do not affect the environment as much. Usually farmers use nitrogen fertilizer as it can increase the quality of the crop production.

Berita DIMENSi team had interviewed Abdul Adhim Jalil, 52, a farmer with nearly 30 years of experience via WhatsApp to understand more about the impact of excessive fertilisers to the environment if the utilization is not controlled.

“For example, if the tree does not get enough fertilizer, then its growth is going to be stunted. Too much fertilizer can make the soil acidic and reduce the nutrients in the soil.

“The fertiliser that is sown should also be done at the proper time. Fertilizer should not be sown randomly since it takes a long time to soak into the soil. The optimum time to re-sow fertiliser is after six months. Even yet, approximately 30 to 50 percent of the nutrients are absorbed by the soil,” he said.

Adequate fertilizer will help fasten the rate of growth of the tree.

(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Nurul Nazirah)

On the other hand, the remaining nitrogen will be free to move around and interact with its environment. It may be released into the atmosphere or washed out of the soil and into waterways including groundwater, streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans.

“The nutrients released by fertilisers encourage the development of microorganisms in surface water. The dissolved oxygen level of a water body is reduced when bacteria grow and reproduce. Fish and other aquatic animals will die if there is not enough dissolved oxygen in the surface water,” he added.

High school biology teacher, Rosmah Ismail, 45, said that nitrate levels can be harmful to environments and also to people. This is because if the nitrates are not absorbed into soil materials, they may leak into groundwater. In rare cases, nitrogen fertilisers have resulted in excessive nitrate concentrations in water.

“Nitrogen that is not needed for crop or plant growth can quickly enter groundwater because nitrates freely leach down through the soil profile. Nitrate is not hazardous to animals in and of itself, but in high concentrations, it creates a condition known as nitrate poisoning.

“Overuse of chemical fertilizers can lead to soil acidification and crust, lowering organic matter, slowing plant development, changing soil pH, and even contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases. Emitted by excess nitrogen fertiliser, it can have a negative impact on the environment,” she said when interviewed by Berita DIMENSi via Facebook.

Examples of fertilizers often used by farmers.

(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Nurul Nazirah)

According to Environment South Africa, fertilizers are made up of substances like methane, CO2, ammonia, and nitrogen, all of which have contributed significantly to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As a result, warmth and weather changes are occurring.

This clearly demonstrates that excessive fertiliser usage can have a significant impact on the ecosystem not just in the near term, but also in the long run.

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