Friday, 17 June 2022
By Nurul Dayana

Technology is advancing rapidly together with innovation and disruption. A simple glance in the beverage case or the supplements aisle and you will find the word ‘cold-pressed’ on its labelling and packaging.

In the development of health products, numerous health companies have embraced cold-pressed technology.

(Source: foodnavigator)

Cold-pressed products, in particular, have been increasingly popular in recent years with options ranging from your favourite daily drink such as Gigi Coffee to your local health food store. You may have a sense that cold-pressed technology is healthier for you, but why is that?

Ingredients from cold-pressed food such as beverages are made similar to other normal food such as using olives, coconut and avocado except that it is made without heat or chemicals that can alter the nutritional flavour or value of the raw ingredients hence generating the purest form of oil.

As a Digital Nutritional Executive, Salmiza Abdullah, 26, argues that recent technologies have developed advanced ways for the body to be able to utilise the nutrients well.

“Nowadays, people have a lot of health issues which alter the absorption of good nutrients in our body, hence, these technologies aid for better absorption rate by the body basically,” said Salmiza during an interview with Berita DIMENSi through WhatsApp.

As Salmiza mentioned, cold-pressed technology is a method with zero heat, as heat can destroy heat-sensitive nutrients from the fruits, preserving the original nutrients to the body like eating raw vegetables and fruits.

Heating, artificial light, and temperature fluctuations can all reduce the nutritious content of fruits.

(Source: News Medical Life Sciences)

Fresh picked fruits and vegetables should be eaten directly to maintain their full nutrients. After harvesting, the longer it is exposed to the air, the more the nutrients will be lost.

“For me, cold-pressed technology gives people the exact nutrients needed by the body from whole foods,” she added.

Some individuals appreciate the power and high reliability of this technology. As their health level increases, it becomes an ideal choice for them even if the product is quite expensive because of this technology.

Normazati Yazid, 51, a retiree, who has declining health due to age factors, argues, the use of such technology greatly helps her in improving the quality of her precarious health.

“I like to read articles that benefit my health, and I have read articles about cold-pressed technology because I have consumed supplements that use cold-pressed methods,'' said Normazati in an interview with Berita DIMENSi.

Normazati stated that she has been trying various products that use various types of technologies in it, but for her, this cold-pressed technology gives a quick effect to her body.

“I think it's because of this technology that keeps vital nutrients, and I can get the purest juice which has all the good stuff intact,” she added.

She also mentioned that her body became more energetic and was able to carry out her daily work smoothly.

“Intake of additional supplements products in the form of liquid can also speed up the process of absorption of nutrients in the body,” said Normazati.

A cold-pressed juicer is unlike other traditional juicer, it does not generate enormous heat, so the nutrients and fibres are preserved. Products that contain this technology however can not be counted on to provide sufficient nutrients.

Juices should be used in proportion and should not be used as a substitute for balanced diet, healthy, or water.

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