Monday, 3 May 2021
By Umi Fatehah

Baking should be your new hobby. (Source: Unsplash / Nadya Spetnitskaya)

Remember when the first phase of the Movement Control Order (MCO) started, everyone had to work and study remotely as a step to prevent further transmissions of COVID-19? Back then, we did not expect that this quarantine period lasted more than just two weeks, so everyone was just enjoying their time at home.

By now, everyone must have seen at least five baking or cooking recipes when scrolling our social media, especially TikTok! Content creators started to make trends of activities to do to fill our time while we are staying at home. Among the top activities to be done during quarantine is baking.

Here is why baking should be your new hobby.

1. It is stress relieving

Even though we are working and studying at home, we cannot deny that it is stressful as we are used to doing something that we usually do with real time eye contact and physical touch, but now we have to shift to just staring at each other through laptop screens.

But does baking relieve stress? Yes! You can knead the dough for your breads or your donuts and let the dough act as your sandbag! Let out all your anger and frustration onto that dough. It is absolutely harmless and rather advantageous because you get to eat the bread later. You can make yourself happy by letting go of all the stress you have as well as making other people happy too by sharing what you just baked!

2. Nurture bonds with your family

During this festive Eid al-Fitr, it is nice to spend time with your family making kuih raya together. Baking is actually a great activity that parents can do together with their children. Usually, the daughters in the family will sit down together to make kuih raya, but why not the sons join in too?

For some people, making kuih raya together is their family’s tradition. They even have their own family recipes that are passed down through the generations which makes it so much more meaningful as every time they are baking the cookies, they will be reminded of their ancestors.

Making kuih raya with family.
(Source: Qaseh)

3. Turn your hobby into a career!

Baking and cooking are hobbies that many people today turn into an income-generating career. Emylya Othman, 46, is a freelance media practitioner and a full-time housewife, has made a big decision to turn her baking as a hobby to her full time career.

This mother of four decided to quit her nine-to-five job because she felt that she has experienced enough of doing 10 years in Public Relations. She started small by taking orders from the neighbours, her friends and grew big until she opened her own baking studio today.

Emylya Othman, 46.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Umi Fatehah)

“I started to bake when I was still in school. I used to bake butter cakes for my family and friends because I feel like baking is my therapy.

My decision to turn baking into my full-time career is one of the best decisions that I have made,” said Emylya during an interview conducted by Berita DIMENSi.

One of her bestselling goods is scones. Her scones are freshly baked and will be made upon request. That is how she maintained her baked goods quality.

Freshly baked scones by Emylya.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Umi Fatehah)

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