Friday, 4 June 2021
By Aqilah Safari

Chlorophyll water is taking over the trend in Tiktok.
(Source: Huffpost)

Health-centric drinks have become particularly popular amongst TikTok influencers with the trendy liquid chlorophyll with claims it could be beneficial to those who drink it.

Health-centric gurus on TikTok claim that it can help cure acne and inflamed skin, reduce body odour, avoid cancer, as well as support gut well-being but people began to wonder whether it is safe to drink liquid chlorophyll.

What is chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found naturally in plants. It is high in vitamins and antioxidants, and it also has therapeutic capabilities that are beneficial to our health. The majority of chlorophyll is collected from alfalfa leaves, which have a high chlorophyll content. The acquiring process is divided into numerous stages. The juice of the plant is removed and dried first. The finished product is concentrated and put to good use.

Liquid chlorophyll benefits and review

Chlorophyll is believed to reduce acne when applied topically or through the use of a chlorophyll-containing gel to the surface of the skin. It can also assist with weight loss. However, more research is needed to ensure that the benefits are legitimate. Aside from that, chlorophyll has been demonstrated to boost the liver's natural ability to eliminate toxins from the body.

Aida Razak, 23, a liquid chlorophyll consumer claimed she had been consuming liquid chlorophyll for a month and discovered that the effect on the drink was true during an interview by Berita DIMENSi team via WhatsApp.

“I continued to consume the liquid chlorophyll once a day for two weeks and saw some results. Chlorophyll is also believed to give you an energy boost, which I experienced myself.

“Things appeared to be running smoothly in my intestines, which I believe to be one of the effects of chlorophyll. My skin, on the other hand, received praise on day three. Maybe it was working.

“The breakouts on my face had disappeared by the second week of consuming it, and no new zits had appeared.

“However, if you are skeptical about it, it is safer to consult a doctor first,” said Aida through an interview by Berita DIMENSi via WhatsApp.

The side effect of drinking chlorophyll water

Everyone's response to a supplement has different side effects. Ashley Trinh claims that her mother forbade her from ingesting liquid chlorophyll since it is believed to cause diarrhoea, cramping, vomiting, and nausea.

Ashley Trinth shares the side effects of chlorophyll.

(Source: TikTok / Ashley Trinth)

The colour of your stool, urine, and tongue may change as a result of taking supplements. Itching and minor burning may occur if it is consumed regularly. Overdosing might result in stomach pains and diarrhoea. If you experience any of these changes, see a doctor for assistance.

Intravenous chlorophyll injections might make the skin more sensitive to the sun. Increased pigmentation and sunburn might occur as a result of the response. To prevent this, wear sunscreen to the skin before going for a walk. This is particularly appropriate for white folks.

Chlorophyll is considered safe in its natural state, and there are currently no contraindications to using it. However, this liquid is unstable.A water-soluble chlorophyll extract manufactured from alfalfa and synthesised by Nature Sunshine Product (NSP) was designed to make this product more convenient to consume.

The product's stability is linked to the replacement of magnesium atoms with copper ones. Supplements containing chlorophyll should be avoided by pregnant and nursing women.

Dietitian advice of liquid chlorophyll

Steph Grasso reviews liquid chlorophyll.

(Source: TikTok / Steph Grasso)

According to a Registered Dietitian (RD), Steph Grasso, there are a few things you should know before consuming the liquid chlorophyll.

“First of all, there is very limited research that supports the benefits of it but nobody cares about that because it is on TikTok. Here is the main takeaway I want you to get out of this.

“Chlorophyll is the most abundant pigment in plants that make them green, like spinach and asparagus.

“If you eat one cup of spinach, you are getting in about 24 milligram of chlorophyll which is equivalent to about a little less than a dropper of liquid chlorophyll.

“So, when you eat your greens, you are not only getting in your chlorophyll but vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber,” said Steph Grasso via her TikTok content.

In conclusion, liquid chlorophyll is not harmful to humans but eating green plants is better because you can get more nutrients from it rather than consuming liquid chlorophyll.

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