Friday, 1 July 2022
By Amira Hedzer

SHAH ALAM - The Perpatih custom originated in Minangkabau, Sumatra, founded by a leader named Dato' Perpatih Nan Sebatang, was a way of life practised by the community at that time.

This Adat Perpatih has existed since 1066 AD then was brought and adopted in Negeri Sembilan by nomads who roamed there.

Raziq Rahman, 24, who also comes from a perpatih traditional lineage, said that Adat Perpatih preserves the life of the local community through the concept of harmony of life, including the idea and practice of courtesy, law, constitution, family and other aspects of life.

Adat Perpatih is separated into numerous distinct family groups, including the Kelompok Perut, Kelompok Ruang, and the most diminutive family group known as Kelompok Kekeluargaan Rumpun.

Raziq said his family no longer practised this custom because many problems occurred within the community in Negeri Sembilan.

"This dispute does not only happen among the people of Negeri Sembilan who practice Adat Perpatih, but it also occurs at the highest level of leadership in the current administration and traditional administration," Raziq stated when contacted by Berita DIMENSi via WhatsApp.

Ownership and inheritance of property in Adat Perpatih have its solution on their own such as property in custom will be settled according to tradition. In contrast, the non-customary property will be occupied religiously.

"But those who do not understand Adat Perpatih think that the property settlement in custom is not by the Islamic way," he added.

The traditional attire that Minangkabau people usually wear.

(Source: Galeri Diraja Tuanku Ja’afar)

According to him, conflicts in ownership and inheritance of property can be explained by custom and religion when examined relatively.

Adat Perpatih in Negeri Sembilan has its own value being the pride of its people and attracting tourists to learn more about their cultural heritage.

This custom covers all aspects, such as the priority of women in Adat Perpatih is to inherit property and bring blood lineage, different from other Malay sultanates, where men inherit property and blood lineage.

In Adat Perpatih, if a woman is pregnant and gives birth to a child, the woman will be the bearer of the offspring to the heir.

Raziq stated that as for inheritance, things such as land and the main house will be inherited by women to protect women from being neglected if left or divorced by their husbands.

He also highlighted that the marital property belongs to both men and women and is divided according to Islamic law.

Nurhamizah Ghapar, 32, the president of the Iconic Organization of Malaysia, said the Adat Perpatih should be preserved and maintained because it contains the value of pure teaching as a guide to life in a peaceful and independent country.

She also alleged that, although times have changed, everything inherited by the ancestors should be preserved and maintained as an identity and uniqueness of a state.

A procession for a wedding feast held in Adat Perpatih.

(Source: Jabatan Kebudayaan & Kesenian Negara)

"The government needs to increase the number of programmes on Adat Perpatih to be disclosed, especially to the younger generation born in Negeri Sembilan so that they know their origins," she said in an interview with Berita DIMENSi via WhatsApp.

Nurhamizah also suggested that Adat Perpatih books in any form of documentation must be supported by the Negeri Sembilan Government so it continues to excel and be empowered by the younger generation.

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