Monday, 14 June 2021
By Natasha Abdullah

Some women prefer to be monitored in a traditional way and some may choose the modern way.
(Source: Sirap Limau)

JOHOR BAHRU – After birth, women and newborns require good care and need to be monitored because this is important to make sure the mother and baby's condition is mentally and physically stable.

This is the most crucial period in terms of providing effective maternal and newborn care. They need a centre that provides technical assistance, skilled health workers and community health workers who care for women and newborns after they give birth. Families are advised in taking care of the mother and the infant, and the mothers are taught how to care for their babies and themselves.

Midwifery care is an important part of postnatal care. If all goes well with the mother and baby, she is discharged home between six and 24 hours depending on the kind of birth. Midwives normally assist the mother in adjusting to life with the new baby, assisting her with feeding and infant care as well as giving her emotional support.

A few of the postnatal midwifery services also prepare food according to the recommended diet menu that is good for both mother and baby.

Choose specialist or midwifery wisely and make sure they are from a trusted institution.

(Source: Facebook / Aika Chanteque)

Berita DIMENSi also reached out to one of the postnatal specialists in Pontian, Johor through WhatsApp.

Aika Sahim, 41, said that nowadays not many women are aware of the importance of having good postnatal care. It is very important to have good care, there is the risk of side effects such as bentan (complications due to bacterial infections experienced after the birth process of the baby) which is divided into a lot of types from skin to your vulva problem.

It is you who decides whether you want to be healthy now, later or never. It may also cause depression and haemorrhage (excessive bleeding) while the baby might risk getting seizures and fever.

Postpartum depression (PPD), also known as postnatal depression, is a form of mood illness related to delivery that can affect both men and women. Poor energy, anxiety, impatience, and changes in sleeping or eating patterns are all possible symptoms.

The time it takes for the symptoms to appear is usually between one week and one month after the baby is born. PPD can also have a detrimental impact on the newborn child.

Postpartum depression is not a shortcoming or a weakness in anyone's character. Sometimes it is just a side effect of giving birth. If you suffer postpartum depression, getting help as soon as possible will help you manage your symptoms and bond with your baby.

Although the postnatal period is relatively easy for most mothers and babies, it also requires observing any deviation from usual recovery after delivery, examining the situation, and reacting appropriately and quickly.

Routine checks after birth are another crucial aspect. By day four to 10 after delivery, if her mental and physical health has stabilized, the lady is released to the care of her Health Visitor. But the story does not end there. A visit to a healthcare professional on a regular basis is required to rule out or treat any health-related difficulties.

“Sometimes they are also affected by their surroundings, who underestimate the importance of having good and disciplined postnatal care,” said Puan Aika.

“If you do not want to get sick now and in your future, you better choose to get a postnatal care on each of your birth or miscarriage,” as Puan Aika mentioned at the end of the interview.

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