Friday, 11 June 2021
By Farah Izureen

There are ways to deal with heartbreaks even in a pandemic.

(Source: Mom Junction)

Traditionally, going out would be the best choice after a messy breakup. Putting on the best clothes, style the hair, spray the perfume and be ready to forget them. But what if it happens during lockdown? Being alone with no emotional support from friends or families.

By chance, they would either explain why they dumped you or they might just block you on all social media platforms and you will forever hold your peace in the darkness.

In the midst of COVID-19, this is the situation for some. We are only allowed to leave the house to either get groceries, attend urgent matters or work. We cannot even take a quick trip to relieve ourselves. Anyway, how are we supposed to get through it?

Berita DIMENSi team had reached out to a few people that had gone through heartbreaks during lockdown via WhatsApp even when it was not easy, they managed to pick themselves up from the ground.

Breaking up via text could block us from getting the needed closure.

(Source: Unsplash / M.)

Sarah (not her real name), 23 year old applied chemistry student said via WhatsApp text, her partner dumped her over a long text out of the blue, which is very weird because things were fine between them before, they did not have any arguments.

“I have trouble dealing with it at that time as we are not allowed to go out because of the pandemic. I am the type of person who prefers to go out alone to find some peace of mind whenever I encounter any mishaps or problems in life. I also keep myself busy to distract myself. I bake, listen to music, podcasts and just do things that I like. I forced myself to accept whatever that happened is for my own good,” as quoted from her text.

Steph Grasso reviews Long distance relationships cannot work if only one of them is sailing the boat.

(Source: Medium)

The same thing happened to a part time barista, Fikri (not his real name), 24, who also got dumped via text. Nothing happened before the breakup as it was all good. He was high over heels for her but she decided to call it off because she cannot handle long-distance relationships.

But what he did to get her off his mind was simply trying to get closer to our Creator. By reciting the holy Quran, performing sunnah prayers and also by reading tons of motivational books.

Not only that, he also mentioned via WhatsApp text, playing mobile games and exercising regularly could really get her off his mind.

Sharing her experience, Damia (not her real name), a public relation student, said that she focused on her studies to get over the guy that she never even met.

“It was during my online classes. I got revenge by studying really hard to ace the semester just so he knows that I don't need him to be successful. I only need me, myself and I.

“It paid off when my results were amazing. I also deleted all of his photos, just to get him off my head. It was hard at first but you gotta do it,” she said.

Harith said that the best way to get over a breakup is by working out.

(Source: Harith Izzat)

A 22 year old administrative student, Harith Izzat, mentioned that it was one of the hardest breakups ever.

“It was hard to be frank but I got revenge by working out at home. I played some online games, got pretty good at it.

I also began focusing on myself. Plus, I also enrolled in some online talks and asked opinions from my friends via online,” he said.

Different people choose different ways to move on from their partner who dumped them via online. Some might take revenge by working out and studying hard. Some might do the things that they are already good at. Nonetheless, there are tons of things you could do if you ever got dumped by your partner during this pandemic.

Heartbreaks are hard but it teaches you in a way that no one can. Relationships are made to make your heart grow stronger. Show passion, straightforward and genuine emotions with one another to avoid taking each other for granted. Remember why you are dating in the first place. Always take care of your heart first.

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