Wednesday, 2 June 2021
By Nurizan Kassan

Vitamin C supplementation against COVID-19.

TAWAU – Vitamin C is extremely unlikely to aid people in their fight against COVID-19. Researchers and physicians are looking for ways to protect and reduce complications of being infected with COVID-19.

Once viral on the internet regarding vitamin C as among the methods of prevention and treatment of the pandemic, however, no evidence is provided that vitamin C can help to prevent COVID-19 and more research is needed to know of its effectiveness.

Dr. Nur Anina Kamarul Hisyam, 41, also a family health specialist at her clinic, interviewed by Berita DIMENSi via vox pop said Vitamin C is an antioxidant that works to protect the body cells from free radical damage and to boost resistance to infectious diseases such as the flu or influenza.

“Vitamin C is considered useful for boosting immunity. By consuming vitamin C, it can improve our health and make a person more susceptible to disease. Meanwhile, someone who is suffering from a disease will have an increased need for vitamin C, due to increased inflammatory and metabolic process,

“At this time, there is no scientific proof that vitamins or diet can prevent or treat COVID-19 infection, but to help boost your immune system,” she stated.

Although vitamin C will not be able to prevent the infection, it may help to speed up the healing process of COVID-19.

“The lungs of individuals infected with the COVID-19 virus are damaged by free radicals, resulting in a state known as a 'cytokine storm', which leads to the effects of lung failure known as ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome),” the doctor added.

In addition, she said that it is necessary to take 90 mg of vitamin C for an average person while breastfeeding women require 120 mg a day. Vitamin C as a supplement should be ensured to be one with quality and taken in the right dose, which is between 250 to 2000 mg per day.

Vitamin C supplement from blackmores for general health and wellbeing of the body.


The Shanghai Medical Association published an article in the Chinese Journal of Infection Diseases stated that the high usage of vitamin C as a treatment for COVID-19 and people who suffered from pneumonia could help a patient avoid the use of artificial ventilation or life support.

Syuraya Syuna Syukur, 22, a student from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) interviewed by Berita DIMENSi via vox pop, said she has been taking vitamin C for five years and she believes that vitamin C gives a good side effect on health, especially during this pandemic.

Vitamin C's benefits in numerous health conditions have been well documented in the medical literature. Vitamin C can be taken daily to improve our health and aid our immune system in fighting this COVID-19.

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