Wednesday, 16 June 2021
By Alya Zulaikha

TikTok has created a space for its young adult users to share book-themed posts.
(Source: TikTok / @whatafireads & @zarareadshere)

If you have never heard of the ‘BookTok’ community, here is a brief explanation; it is a haven for book lovers who want to seek refuge with those who share their passion for literature. This section of the application is dedicated to all topics relating to reading, including book reviews, tips for arranging aesthetically appealing bookshelves, and edits for fandoms focused on literature.

In BookTok, creators can influence their followers to read books they love while sharing critical reviews of those they do not enjoy as much. Through seeing others become engrossed in the same book series, a viewer can be encouraged to delve into it with them and share in the experience.

The words of the ‘Trendsetters’

The BookTok community in Malaysia is still relatively new and to name a few local creators or ‘BookTokers’ that started riding the wave of BookTok is none other than Dayana (@orchidslibrary) and A’fiani Atiqah Mohd Nizam (@whatafireads).

Dayana has always wanted to inspire others through her reading hobby and BookTok realize the dream for her.

(Source: Instagram / @orchidslibrary)

Dayana, 20, started her endeavour as a ‘book influencer’ on Instagram and TikTok simply because she loves reading and wherever she goes, she always has a book in her hand ready to be delved in between the pages.

“I have always been thinking about books. It makes me feel obsessed and happy, and that is the most important thing. I started on the whole BookTok (trend) in Malaysia firstly and I did not know that it was a ‘thing’ because I did this for fun and that was my only intention.

“Most Malaysians do not take reading as one of their pastime activities, but (since the trend happened) that little impact we gave to them is especially on finding a new joy in a hobby that involves reading lines and book shopping,” said Dayana in her response via Instagram for Berita DIMENSi recently.

Joining Dayana in the BookTok world is the 25-year-old Biomedical engineering (BME) major, A’fiani Atiqah Mohd Nizam or better known as Afi among her online followings, describes her bookish journey on social media to Berita DIMENSi via Google Meet, as her saviour from a series of depressive episodes.

“I had a few episodes of unfortunate events that led to a period of reading slump, which I called my ‘reading blackout years’. I lost my passion (to read) after high school because I did not get to pursue what I wanted to pursue at first, so reading became like a chore that I felt so reluctant to finish,” Afi said, opening up about her struggles which eventually led to herself rediscovering her passion in reading.

Afi also mentioned that she is proud and happy that her influence on BookTok along with other creators has made reading ‘the new cool’ for Malaysian youngsters in the present time.

Before kick starting her BookTok, Afi (right in picture) was also inspired by other BookTok creators and one of them is Zara of @zarareadshere (left in picture).

(Source: A'fiani Atiqah Mohd Nizam)

The Power of Influence

BookTok has had an unquestionable influence on the publishing industry because of the growing popularity of these ‘BookTokers' and the videos they created. There has been a rebound in sales of books released in past years, such as R. F. Kuang's The Poppy War and Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles, which have re-entered the charts two and seven years after their original release.

Book influencers may be found on sites like Instagram and Twitter, and book communities on social media are nothing new. TikTok, on the other hand, has perhaps become the most influential, not just due to the application's popularity, but also due to the algorithm's nature.

The book community's presence on TikTok has yielded several benefits. BookTok has surprisingly helped some people get out of reading ruts. There is something intriguing about an application that focuses so strongly on the user's short attention spans while yet offering an ideal platform for the high-concentration process of reading.

BookTok is encouraging more people to read, as well as creating friendlier communities on TikTok. Videos featuring book suggestions based on Women's History Month, People of Colour (POC), and other movements have also raised awareness of pertinent cultural and social concerns.

The rise of TikTok has taken the world by storm, steadily attracting millions of followers to the application until it becomes a global phenomenon by allowing young minds to express themselves creatively, use their voices to raise awareness, and showcase their talents. Global communities have been coming digitally around shared passions, one of which is reading!

Infographic retrieved based on the interviews conducted by Berita DIMENSi.

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