Friday, 4 June 2021
By Wan Nurul Damia

TV3’s Lestary slot drama starring Redza Rosli and Sharifah Rose.
(Source: Instagram / @dramasangat)

Kekasih Hati Mr. Bodyguard caught up in negative comments and criticisms on its first day of airing on television.

Albeit the audience who couldn't care less and just watch the drama nonetheless, people on the internet have showcased their opinions particularly on Sharifah Rose Sabrina's portrayal of her character.

The 23-year-old social media influencer was heavily panned for her “unrealistic” acting and netizens claimed that there are better actors that could have played the role. Despite the harsh reviews, she is able to accept them with an open heart and admits to her shortcomings in the drama.

The issue was fired up even before Kekasih Hati Mr. Bodyguard began airing, when actress Izara Aishah allegedly criticized the influencer through Twitter, pointing out the influencer’s acting performance.

“A lot of Instafamous turned to actors. TV is running out of budget because of COVID-19 is it? Some of them are not even interested in acting. Back in the day, we had to go for auditions.

“Our passion is to really become an actor. We studied performing arts to get into the industry,” said Izara through her Twitter account. The tweet received more than 12,000 retweets and a total of around 21,000 likes.

Netizens were linking Izara’s tweet to Sharifah Rose's appearance on television as she is among the Instafamous-turned actresses. Nevertheless, Izara Aishah claimed the tweets were not for Sharifah Rose.

TV and Film Production Manager, Aiman Haziq, stated in an interview by Berita DIMENSi that netizens are not in the wrong to give out critics. However, the comments given must be reasonably followed by its own reasonable justifications.

“The ‘sandwich method’ is one of the ways that could be used as a form of feedback to negatively comment on something professionally.

“Emotional or negative criticism without basis would not get a person to be better,” he said.

Sharifah Rose on set of Kekasih Hati Mr. Bodyguard.
(Source: YouTube)

Netizens are skeptical about the quality of the show and only think of TV ratings as Sharifah Rose is well-known on social media with more than 700,000 followers on Instagram.

When Berita DIMENSi’s reporter asked Aiman Haziq, who is also a part of the film industry about his thoughts for the TV station to choose Sharifah Rose over any other actresses, he said that the Instafamous-turned actor has her own selling points and ratings.

Netizens questioning Sharifah Rose’s credibility in acting.

(Source: Twitter / @allhailfazh & @Aerus)

Malaysian Twitter users were angered by this issue as Sharifah Rose has no background in any art school nor the graduates of Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA) and neither the Creative Industry, which ironically rarely showcased graduates from those institutes on TV.

Moreover, the same storyline had been preached by the local dramas and it is time for the Malaysian film industry to produce something better, said Syamim as a part of his personal opinion on Malay Mail Online.

Aiman Haziq, who aspires to bring the Malaysian Film Industry parallel to the westerner’s, stated his urge towards National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) to be open to new ideas and implement or plan the next move in producing better quality films.

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