Monday, 12 December 2022
Oleh Anis Suraya

The announcement of the cancellation of the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and Third Form Assessment (PT3) exams starting in April 2021 has caused the closure and reduction of student admissions to tuition centers.

After the abolition of the examinations, tuition centers nowadays had to think of a new approach to attract students to tuition classes so that no one will be left behind even if they do not have an exam.

This matter was revealed by the manager of Laman Minda's tuition center and a former lecturer at a private university, Norain Md. Nor.

“Our tuition centre was affected by the issue as previously my tuition center received many students who were going to take exams compared to students who did not have major exams,” she said.

She also disagrees with the abolition of major exams such as UPSR and PT3 because students will lose the goals they want to achieve for the future.

 Ain Md. Nor

“This is compounded when classes are conducted online and many parents are unable to guide the students and provide gadgets such as laptops and phones.

“In order to get back to them, first I have to persuade both students and their parents of the efficiency of the online system, then I provide them notes, and last I instruct them on how to study online”, she added.

Another experienced instructor, Marliza Ramli, has been working at the tuition center for more than 15 years, was taken aback and did not anticipate that UPSR and PT3 would be abolished entirely.

Teacher Liza still insists on not cancelling UPSR and PT3.

“Without a test, it is impossible for high school graduates to secure college entrance. They might take their studies carelessly without realizing their subject-specific gaps in knowledge.

“The most practical method that the tuition center can implement is an online class, as well as how to build an online class that is engaging and encourages student participation rather than passive listening”, she said.

Primary six student last year, Haziqah Dania Adam Lim said that UPSR should not be eliminated because it is difficult for her to achieve a passing score on the exam required to attend secondary school.

Dania still requires academic assistance from the tuition center.

“Since I know I am not excellent in all subjects, I still need a tutoring center even though there are no major exams.

“However, I do see why many students do not choose to join the tuition center. Perhaps for them, there is no examination to determine their grades or performance gaps in a certain subject, therefore they believe there is no need to go to the tutoring center,” she said.

Last year's secondary two student, Armand Afeef Yazid, also stated that he did not think that PT3 should be discontinued since students will become less motivated to study because there will be no major exams until secondary five.

Afeef said PT3’s elimination affected his studying.
(Source: Ayu Afreena Yazid)

“Students will find that PT3 is an extremely beneficial way to prepare physically and intellectually for SPM examinations later,” he said.

Even yet, Afeef clarified that he will continue to go to the tuition center because subjects such as mathematics and physics demand a high level of expertise and so require additional classes. 

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