Monday, 7 June 2021
By Ahmad Irfan Bobby

Pasar Payang 2 temporary complex entrance.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Ahmad Irfan Bobby)

KUALA TERENGGANU The relocation of Pasar Payang in temporary buildings has brought some changes to the economic scene for traders and visitors in Pasar Payang.

Based on the press release from Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government, Tan Sri Noh Haji Omar, during his visit in conjunction with a working visit to Pasar Payang, informed that the temporary complex of Pasar Payang 2 will accommodate a total of 530 traders.

In his statement, the redevelopment of the Pasar Payang Complex is to replace the old Pasar Kedai Payang, which is obsolete and unsafe to operate, as well as to improve the disorganized business system.

He added in the press release that the claustrophobic, cramped business spaces and the other store owners who have no space to trade are contributing factors of redevelopment.

Now, the temporary complex of Pasar Payang 2 has been operating and receiving visits from many domestic and foreign visitors for almost two years.

What is the economic situation in Pasar Payang 2 among the traders, and how are visitors reacting to the temporary relocation of Pasar Payang?

Even though the economic sector was open as usual, a survey conducted by Berita DIMENSi at Pasar Payang 2 found that every trader followed the strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), however the atmosphere was a bit passive due to the Government's Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0.

In an interview with a traditional songket entrepreneur, Ibrahim Mohamad, 76, has expressed his distraught when asked about the condition of his business at Pasar Payang 2 temporary complex.

“I am less pleased with the relocation order, while other traders may be pleased, because the business lot area in the temporary complex is fairly narrow and not worth the load of my goods, even if I simply have to pay low rent.

"In terms of sales, the situation has not changed much because sales will increase when the school holiday season arrives but there is a lot of new competition when there are traders who sell machine-printed songket and offers cheaper prices with claims that the products are locally made," added Ibrahim in a sad tone during an interview with Berita DIMENSi.

Pasar Payang 2 hallway which is relatively narrow to accommodate the large number of visitors.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Ahmad Irfan Bobby)

Ruzaidi Ghazali, 55, an experienced and usual visitor of Pasar Payang, has expressed his opinion on the changes made in the temporary site between the new and the old.

“If seen in terms of economic vibrancy in Pasar Payang, we can see that there are many visitors and tourists will meet the iconic place because the brand is already famous for the uniqueness and originality of high-quality local Terengganu products.

"I hope that the government can segment business clusters according to the type of goods for sales such as dry markets, wet markets, clothing, copper goods and handicrafts and others according to a more systematic business lot position," said Ruzaidi in an interview with Berita DIMENSi.

Pasar Payang redevelopment site which is expected to be completed in early 2022.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Ahmad Irfan Bobby)

The economic scenario for the resettlement of Pasar Payang has affected some parties, both traders and visitors, in terms of economy and tourism.

Entrepreneurs and traders alike hoped that the redevelopment of Pasar Payang can be completed on time thus ensuring the comfort of traders and visitors to continue to enjoy a meaningful shopping experience in this iconic plaza in Terengganu.

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