Monday, 31 May 2021
By Syaza Nadia

LAHAD DATU Jalan Jeroco has been a constant point of neglect by the local government.

For decades, it has been the main link connecting the town of Lahad Datu to the rural areas populated by several palm oil companies such as Tamaco Oil Mill & Plantation, Hap Seng Plantations, as well as Timora Palm Oil Mill.

While the residents are mostly the industry workers with their families, there are also teachers living in the quarters provided by companies with government primary schools such as Sekolah Kebangsaan Amalania in Amalania Koko Berhad (Member of Glenealy Plantations).

Despite being provided housing, some still prefer living in the town where resources are easily acquired and the environment is a better fit for their family. Because of this, they have to go through Jalan Jeroco to and from their workplaces everyday.

Jalan Jeroco received its infamy long ago when it was still a mucky dirt road that halts even four-wheel-drives and tank trucks from passing. The severity was beyond tolerable even after it has been tarred in recent years.

SK Amalania teacher, Lydia Siau, 50, was reached out by the Berita DIMENSi for an interview via WhatsApp voice messages regarding the road.

“I have lived here since the road was still dirt, and even now with the road tarred, it is still bad. When potholes are seen on the road it is more often than not left there until it takes up all of the road. There is one part of it that has completely collapsed except for, at most, a quarter of the initial road which makes it difficult to drive along,” said Lydia.

More than half of the road has fallen.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Syaza Nadia)

Jalan Jeroco, aside being used daily by heavy-vehicle traffic, was built on soft soil in a hilly area. The weather often determines the severity of the road further down the line where the dirt road begins, nearing more secluded companies.

Jalan Jeroco is built on hilly roads with soft soil that is easily affected by weather.
(Source: Facebook / Imran Oleng)

Berita DIMENSi also reached out to several teachers working at the schools in the area on their opinions of Jalan Jeroco.

When asked what is the hardest part of having to deal with unmaintained roads, most of them unanimously agreed on having to splurge on car maintenance to avoid breaking down or getting stuck somewhere along the road.

They also mentioned that, when the roads are especially bad, they would be late and at times skipping the school day entirely due to not being able to pass by.

Dirt parts of Jalan Jeroco that are worse with rain.
(Source: WhatsApp / Lydia Siau)

Heavy-vehicle traffic that uses Jalan Jeroco daily.
(Source: WhatsApp / Lydia Siau)

There have been many reports over the decades on what the residents and non-residents have been enduring but their efforts are more often than not met with total silence or empty promises.

This should be something that needs to be addressed by the local government. This road is one of many in the area that are endangering many lives due to the lack of attention it receives.

In the future, it is to be hoped that action will be taken to ensure the safety of locals in the area and ease them in daily matters.

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