Gombak Riders should be careful with potholes and falling trees

Monday, 24 May 2021
By Nur Syazween

P-Hailing riders should follow the ethics of being in the delivery services by riding carefully on the road.

GOMBAK Considering the poor condition of the road in Gombak, riders should keep in mind that riding recklessly can cause fatality even if they are ensuring that parcels or food are delivered to customers on time.

The number of reported cases made by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) involving riders, especially parcel hailing or usually known as P-Hailing riders has come to a very concerning extent.

The change of weather that is currently occurring could also badly affect the geographical state of the road in the area such as falling trees, potholes and many more.

On April 15, an unfortunate FoodPanda rider was killed when he was hit by a falling tree near Cheras when he was on duty, according to The Star.

The same thing could happen to riders in Gombak since the area has one reported case of falling trees due to heavy rain in the last two years based on, remarkably of the weather that has been changeable lately.

Berita DIMENSi managed to conduct an interview with one of the residents in Gombak via Skype, Ameer Syazwan, 24, saying he has witnessed a few P-hailing riders who almost got into an accident when driving along the MRR2 highway after getting home from work.

“I have lived in Gombak for almost 15 years and I still get worried about my safety whenever I drive or ride around this area since I have already encountered three minor accidents involving riders throughout the whole time living and driving here.

A bunch of riders caught stopping their bikes outside the yellow line
in Taman Greenwood, Gombak.
(Source: Berita DIMENSi / Nur Syazween)

“Not only that, the road here is also quite dodgy besides still having careless drivers driving around. I hope the authority could look into this matter and do something about it quickly as this could harm other people’s safety,” he said.

He added that it is none of his intention to assume all riders and drivers are the same. However, we should be aware that it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves on the road and not be a nuisance to other road users especially in a bad weather.

Aside from that, an infographic was also made by MIROS issued on P-hailing riders stating that a total of 91 cases involving riders in P-hailing services were recorded last year.

Infographic taken from MIROS official twitter account.
(Source: Twitter/ @mirosroadsafety)

It also mentioned that 70 percent of P-hailing riders ride their bikes recklessly on the road especially during peak hours. The percentage is likely to contribute to the reported number of cases involving P-hailing riders.

To restrain this problem, MIROS, Road Transport Department Malaysia (JPJ) and other related organizations have launched a campaign ‘Safety for P-hailing riders’ with ‘Ride carefully, deliver safely’ as the theme of the campaign based on its official statement.

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