People use the Internet on a daily basis in this generation.

(Source: Social Shake Up)

Social media has transformed our digital environment, and their popularity continues to grow. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have evolved so much and they have made information gathering and news reporting much easier to obtain.

According to Datareport, there are around 4.5 billion users worldwide, with 400 million new users joining last year. More than 50 percent of the world's population has access to a mobile phone at around 5.3 billion users.

“Making information available is no longer sufficient for today's public. Audiences are inclined to pick and choose what they read, and the majority feel they should be allowed to contribute material and thoughts as well” said Ruth A. Harper, a journalist from Inquiries Journal.

The world is evolving at a fast rate that we could never have predicted. The social web and mobile technologies have become more advanced in connections, knowledge and power.

Ultimately, people are now using social media to help affect global events and culture. Along with Berita DIMENSi, we are sharing more information and a survey conducted on the Revolution of Social Media Through Years.

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