Plants & herbs are often used as medicine.
(Source: Almanac)

Plants have existed even before the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. They produce the air that we breath, nourish the soil we walk on, and provide beautiful sceneries to soothe our hearts and minds. However, did you know that they bring much more to the table than pretty colours?

All of these plants are very wealthy in promoting a better lifestyle. Some might contain amazing cell reinforcements that may have an assortment of medical advantages, including decreasing the danger of malignant growth or even illness.

“I had bad period pains and (bad) sleeping patterns but ever since my mum was diagnosed with diabetes in 2017, I started to consume chamomile tea at least once a day and it helps me alot (in my daily life),” said 23-year-old Nur Zurin binti Zainuddin in an interview with DIMENSi through WhatsApp.

She added that she chose chamomile tea because it is sweeter compared to other teas, and while each tea brings out other different benefits, chamomile suits her better for now.

Nevertheless, all of these plants are safe if consumed properly. Some might drink it for their diet and some might just appreciate drinking it for its delicious taste and scent.

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