Blood donation can be one of the simple ways to save one's life

(Source: Berita DIMENSi)

Donating blood is one of the noble practices that can help keep the body healthy not only for oneself but also for others. Blood donations can save the lives of people in need.

Therefore, the community should not hesitate and be afraid to take steps to donate blood as there are many benefits. In addition, awareness of blood donation is very important, especially for those who are less knowledgeable or just tamed themselves of the importance of donating blood.

Azlan Abdullah, 50, one of the regular blood donors, shared his first blood donation in 1999 when the hospital called him as they needed blood for his sister, who lost too much blood during childbirth.

Azlan’s strong desire to help prompted him to continue donating blood, especially after the incident with his sister, who needed type B blood. He had no ill effects until now despite having donated blood several times.

“I feel so grateful and proud to be able to help so many people in need. What's more, my meager contribution was able to save many lives. Not only that, but I also feel healthier after donating blood," said Azlan in an interview with Berita DIMENSi through WhatsApp.

Everyone has their own opinions and perspectives on the blood donation process. As we can see nowadays, electronic media and print media have displayed the benefits of donating blood to spread awareness to our society on the magnitude of blood donation so that it can save many lives.

To encourage people to donate blood, we have prepared interactive information on blood donation, details about the process of blood donation, disease, types of blood, and blood donation myths.

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