
Part of the enclosures map for Bexet village, Västbo härad in southwestern Sweden, 19th century. My great-grandfather acquired a farm in this village in the 1920s.


As of 2021, I teach three courses in the spring semesters and two in the autumn semesters. I also tutor and grade bachelor's and master's theses.

On the introductory level, every spring semester I teach the economic history of the world (EKHA24, 15 credit points) and every autumn semester I teach Economic and social history of Sweden (EKHA23, 15 credit points). Every second spring semester I teach The rise and fall of the Swedish model (EKHA51, 7.5 credit points).

On the advanced level, starting in 2021, in the spring semester I teach a tutorial on the history of economic inequality (EKHT35, 7.5 credit points). In the autumn semesters, starting in 2021, I teach Research design (EKHM73, 7.5 credit points).

For more information about the courses see below and also the department web site, here.

World economic history

I am since 2016 one of two course directors, with my colleague Tobias Karlsson, for the introductory course in economic history. This is "World economic history" ("Världens ekonomiska historia", EKHA24.) There I lecture about global economic history c. 1000-1900. I am very happy to say that the course evaluations in the spring semester of 2020 gave an average score of 4.88 on a scale from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) for the course. The course is given every spring semester. The course evaluation for spring semester 2021 gave a 4.12 average.

Swedish economic and social history

Tobias Karlsson and I have created a new course, "The economic and social history of Sweden", Sveriges ekonomiska och sociala historia (EKHA23). This was given for the first time in the autumn semester of 2020, and will be given every autumn semester going forward. The course evaluation in autumn 2020 gave the course a 4.0 grade.

The Swedish model

I am the course director and sole teacher on an introductory level course on "The rise and fall of the Swedish model" (EKHA51).

In the course evaluations 2015-2021 the students have given the course the following averages on a scale from 1 (worst) to 5 (best): 4.1, 4.1, 4.9, 3.8, 4.4, 4.7.

This course was last given in the spring semester of 2021. It was quite revamped until then, focusing on Swedish exceptionalism (or not) in several fields: egalitarianism, trust, welfare state, and labour market. The course will next be given in spring semester of 2023.

The history of economic inequality

I have created a tutorial for masters students who want to deepen their knowledge about historical inequality. This is a readings and seminar based course where we read a lot of studies on social and economic inequality in historical settings and discuss them in course meetings. The course was given for the first time in spring semester 2021, with three masters' students and two PhD students taking part.

Sao Paolo

In 2015 to 2019 I am member of a Brazilian-Swedish project on labour market history and macroeconomic history. Spring 2016 I taught an advanced level course on the history of Swedish egalitarianism at the University of Sao Paulo.


Even though it isn't my research speciality, I think that the history of economic ideas is really interesting and every spring semester since 2014 I have lectured at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm introducing the history of economic ideas in two/three hours. The slides are here; comments very welcome.


In Gothenburg, I have taught mostly in the programme of European Studies, but also in the departments of Economic History and History. My foci in teaching have been(1) labour markets, especially the Swedish; and (2) the macroeconomics and political economy of European integration. I have taught on the undergraduate and graduate level, been the main teacher for a master's course and have tutored and graded bachelor's theses.


In december 2015 I taught a part of a master's level course called "A Crash Course in the Economic History of Sweden" at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay. My part focused on inequality, labour markets and the welfare state.

Pedagogical education

I have taken four courses in pedagogics for university teachers. At Gothenburg University, I took (in 2009) "Högskolepedagogisk seminarievecka", the most basic course there. At Lund University, I have taken the basic pedagogics course "Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 1" (spring 2016) and the continuation course "Högskolepedagogisk fortsättningskurs" (autumn 2016). I have also taken a course in doctoral supervision (autumn 2018).