
two pieces of memorabilia from the great emigration from Sweden to America c. 1850-1914. 

On the left: my grandmother's uncle and his colleagues in Montana. 

On the right: relatives in Iowa sent these pictures of their farm home.

A list of my conference presentations and the like (including outreach/tredje uppgiften) since 2011.


16 January 2024. Regional Disparities Seminar, Technical University of Dortmund. Presenting work with Felix Kersting (Humboldt). Seminar info here.

19 January 2024. Historical Study of States and Regimes Research Lab, online presentation.

7 mars 2024. Stadsbiblioteket i Lund, med Charlotte Nilsson: "Marknadens tid".

24 April 2024. Quantitative History seminar, University of Cambridge. (seminar info here)

2 May 2024. Virtual Workshop in Historical Political Economy.

23 May 2024. Re-Imagining Democracy seminar, University of Oxford. (seminar info here)

20 August 2024. Idéhistoria, Göteborg.

20 September 2024. Brussels.

5 November 2024. Department of Political Science, Lund.

(Proposals for 2025: ESSHC, Leiden, 26-29 March 2025; WEHC, Lund, July-August 2025.)


27 January 2023. Neoliberalism in the Nordics workshop, Copenhagen. I presented Billionaires in the Welfare State: Sweden since the 1970s.

12-15 April 2023. European Social Science History Conference, Gothenburg. I presented "Incomes and income inequality in Sweden 1870-1970", co-authored with Jakob Molinder and Svante Prado.

24-26 May 2023. ReNEW's 6th annual Nordic Challenges conference in Oslo. I presented Billionaires in the Welfare State: Sweden since the 1970s.

14-16 June 2023. Svenska Historikermötet, Umeå.

27-29 June 2023. Council of European Studies, Reykjavik. I will present The Longue Durée of Wages and Inequality: Sweden, 1870–2020”. 

10 September 2023. Workshop with The European Network for the Comparative History of Population Geography and Occupational Structure 1500-1900 (ENCHOS), Linz. I will present "Occupational composition, incomes and income inequality in Sweden 1870-1970".

28-29 September 2023. Swedish Economic History Meeting, Lund. I will present three papers:  "Incomes and income inequality in Sweden 1870-1970", co-authored with Jakob Molinder and Svante Prado; "The Swedish Model and the Swedish Economic Policy Knowledge Regime, c. 1933–1982: The Case of Profits and Distribution"; and “The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison, co-authored with Felix Kersting.

October 2023. Forskar-AW på Pustervik. Arrangerat av Göteborgs universitet.

18 October 2023. Sociology seminar, Stockholm University. I presented "Incomes and income inequality in Sweden 1870-1970".

8 November 2023. Höstmötet, Malmö. I will present "Incomes and income inequality in Sweden 1870-1970".

17 November 2023. Universität Greifswald.

20 November 2023. University of Antwerp, AIPRIL consortium, online seminar. I will present "Incomes and income inequality in Sweden 1870-1970".

21 November 2023. Makromackan lunch seminar, Lund University. I will present “The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison, co-authored with Felix Kersting.


26-30 January 2022. Nordic Labour History Conference in Copenhagen. I presented “The evolution of popular politics in Sweden, c. 1866-1899”.

11 February 2022. Sigtuna. I presented “The politics of profits”. 

3 March 2022. Lund, Helgeandskyrkan.

30 March 2022. Paris School of Economics, Economic History seminar.Incomes and Income Inequality in Stockholm, 1870–1970: Evidence from Micro Data. Paper written with Jakob Molinder. Seminar info here.

1 April 2022. Paris School of Economics, EPCI seminar (Economie Politique du Changement Organisationnel). Information here.  “The evolution of popular politics in Sweden (c. 1866–1899) and its implications for democratization”.

21 April 2022. Paris School of Economics, Labour history seminar. “The politics of profits: Profit squeeze and macroeconomic management in Sweden, 1975–1985”. 

20-23 June 2022. Rural History conference, Uppsala. I will present "The social origins of democracy in Sweden: the role of agrarian politics", and "The Problem of Estimating Incomes and Living Standards in the Agrarian Sector: Sweden, 1870–1920". 

8-11 August 2022. Nordiska historikermötet, Göteborg. I will present "The politics of profit" and a paper on the international influences on Swedish democratic politics at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century.

25 October 2022. Workshop "Scandinavia and the long 1848", online.

27 October 2022. Arbetarhistorikermötet, Helsingborg. Keynote: "För en ny politisk historia: Sverige, 1850-1950".

10-11 November 2022. Uppsala. Workshop "Politiska periodiseringar: brott och kontinuitet i svensk politisk historia från Gustav Vasa till rösträttens införande". I will discuss the usefulness (or not) of the concept of the ancien règime for Swedish political and social history.

21-22 November, Torneå, Finland. Workshop "Poverty and wealth in the North". I will discuss early modern inequality, based on my article with Mats Olsson and Patrick Svensson, “Mercantilist Inequality: Wealth and Poverty in Stockholm, 1650-1750”.


2 February 2021. Department of History, University of Gothenburg. Book presentation: Världens jämlikaste land?

4 February 2021. Allmänt forskarseminarium, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. Book presentation: Världens jämlikaste land?

12 February 2021. I will present "The declining salience of the wage bargaining round. Sweden since the 1960s" at the workshop Neoliberalism in the Nordics – gathering perspectives, Sigtuna.

16 March 2021. ”Social stratification, Welfare and Social Policy” seminar, SOFI, Stockholm University. I will talk about my book Världens jämlikaste land?

14 April 2021. Department of Economic History, Lund University. Book presentation: Världens jämlikaste land?

20 April 2021. Nordic Labour History Network online seminar. I will talk about my book Världens jämlikaste land?

5 May 2021. Economic History seminar, Paris School of Economics. Information is here.

1 June 2021. Socialhistoriska seminariet, Uppsala universitet. Link to programme.

2-5 July 2021. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference (online). I will present "The Declining Salience of the Wage Bargaining Round in Sweden Since the 1960s: Distribution, Hegemony, and Political Economy". 

7-9 October 2021. Swedish Economic History Meeting, Gothenburg. (Conference website here.) Kathryn Gary (Lund), Jakob Molinder (Uppsala) and I arrange a panel on "Labour, wages and inequality", in which I will present my paper with Jakob and Svante Prado on "Incomes and Income Inequality in Stockholm, 1870-1950". I also take part in a session arranged by Carl-Johan Gadd, "The Swedish Sonderweg Debated", where I will present an essay on democratization in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In a session on agrarian history, I will present my paper "Jordägande och eliter i Sverige, ca 1750–1869". 

13 October. Halmstad föreläsningsförening.

25 October. Tidigmoderna seminariet, Lund.

15 November. Akademikerförbundet SSR.


25 February. History Department, Lund University. "The Swedish Sonderweg in Question: Democratization and Inequality in Comparative Perspective, c.1750–1920". 


18-21 March. European Social Science History Conference, Leiden. Oana Sorescu-Iudean and I arrange a session, "Probate Records Reconsidered: Common Grounds and Pathways forward in the Study of Historical Inequalities and Living Standards ". I will present a paper co-authored with Patrick Svensson, "The living standards of the rural proletariat in Sweden, 1750–1900".

-- Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson and I will participate in the session 'Inequality and Social Mobility in Preindustrial Europe' with the paper 'Inequality and Social Class, West Sweden 1715'.

26 March. Economic History Seminar, Université de Genève. "The Swedish Sonderweg in Question: Democratization and Inequality in Comparative Perspective, c.1750–1920".

April-May 2020. I will be a visiting scholar at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales / Paris School of Economics. I will give four seminars on historical inequality at PSE and other sections of the EHESS.

1.   1 April. "The Evolution of Democratic Politics in Sweden". Presentation at CESPRA.

2.  22 April. "Feudalism, capitalism, and inequality". Presentation in the Economic History seminar at PSE. 

3.    23 April.   "How did Sweden become the most equal country in the world? Which lessons can be drawn from the Swedish case?" Presentation in the Current Research in Socio-Economics seminar at CEMS.

4.    "Income inequality in Sweden 1870–1950 with individual level data". Presentation at PSE.

17-19 April. Economic History Society Annual Conference, University of Oxford. I will present "The Incomes of the Wealthy during Turbulent Times: Sweden, 1910–1950", co-authored with Jakob Molinder.

6 May. Economic History seminar, University of Barcelona.

14 May. MacroHistory seminar, University of Bonn. "The Incomes of the Wealthy during Turbulent Times: Sweden, 1910–1950", co-authored with Jakob Molinder.

7 september. Boksamtal, Världens jämlikaste land?ABF i Stockholm.

24 september. Bokpresentation på Bokcafé Pilgatan i Umeå: Världens jämlikaste land?

27 september. Boksamtal, Världens jämlikaste land?, med professor Jenny Andersson och professor Lars Trägårdh på Bokmässan; samtalet sändes på Bokmässan Play. Se bokmässans program här. Man kan se samtalet på UR Play, här.

14 oktober. Högre seminariet i sociologi, Södertörns högskola. "Världens jämlikaste land?" (over Zoom)

22 October. Department of Economic History, Stockholm University. Book presentation, "Världens jämlikaste land?" (over Zoom)

26 October. Department of Economic History, Uppsala University. Book presentation, "Världens jämlikaste land?" (over Zoom)

28 October. Economic History Unit, University of Gothenburg. "Estimating the Incomes and Living Standards of Non-Income Tax Payers: Sweden, 1870–1950" (over Zoom).

5 November. Workshop on agrarian politics, arranged by Mats Olsson and myself in Lund. I will present "The evolution of popular politics in Sweden (c. 1866–1899) and its implications for democratization".

10 November. Department of History, Stockholm University. Book presentation, "Världens jämlikaste land?" (over Zoom)

17 November. Economic and Social History seminar, All Souls College, University of Oxford. "Living standards and inequality in Sweden, 1650-1900: Evidence from probate inventories". (over Zoom)


5 February. Finansdepartementets Fördelningsanalysenhet, Stockholm. I presented my research on historical economic inequality.

27 February. STANCE seminar, Department of Political Science, Lund University. "Reconsidering the Role of Farmer Politics in Swedish Democratization".

6 March. Third Nordic Challenges Conference, Copenhagen Business School. I will present preliminary results from the project "The Swedish transition to equality: income inequality with new micro data, 1862–1970".

8-10 May. Historikermötet, Växjö. Carolina Uppenberg och jag arrangerar en session om "Det svenska klassamhället, 1500–1900”.

28--30 August. European Historical Economics Society conference, Paris. I presented "Income Inequality in Sweden, 1870–1920: A Social Tables Approach ", paper co-authored with Jakob Molinder & Svante Prado.

10-13 September. Rural History 2019 conference, Paris. Miguel Artola Blanco and I arranged a session on "Long-run inequality in the rural economy". I presented "The living standards of the rural proletariat in Sweden, 1750–1900", a paper co-authored with Patrick Svensson.

16-18 September. "The political economy of public sector wage setting in Europe", workshop at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne. I presented "The origins of the Swedish wage bargaining model".

10-12 October. 13th Swedish Economic History Meeting, Uppsala. Carolina Uppenberg och jag arrangerade en session om "Det svenska klassamhället, 1500–1900”. 

-- Jakob Molinder, Kathryn Gary, Ellen Hillbom and I arranged three sessions on labour, wages and inequality.  I presented "Income Inequality in Sweden, 1870–1920" as part of one of the sessions.

-- I presented "The evolution of popular politics in Sweden: the rural folkmöten of the 1860s, 1870s and 1880s" in a session organized by Mattias Lindgren.

4 November. Department of Economic History, Uppsala University. I presented "The living standards of the rural proletariat in Sweden, 1750–1900", a paper co-authored with Patrick Svensson.

27 November. Economic History Unit, University of Gothenburg. I present "The living standards of the rural proletariat in Sweden, 1750–1900", a paper co-authored with Patrick Svensson.

28-29 November. Höstmötet med Nätverket för forskning om socialpolitik och välfärd, Göteborg. "The Incomes of the Wealthy during Turbulent Times: Sweden, 1910–1950", en studie medförfattad med Jakob Molinder.


14-15 June. EAEPE and YSI-INET International Symposium, "Paradigms of economic policy: examples and lessons from the Nordics" in Trondheim, Norway. I was one of the keynote speakers, giving a talk on “The Swedish Sonderweg in Question: Democratization and Inequality in Comparative Perspective, c. 1750–1920”.

29 July - 3 August. World Economic History Congress in Boston. I presented a paper on the wealth and social status of Swedish farmer MPs 1769-1895 in the inequality session organized by Maria Gomez-Leon, Stefan Nikolic and Herman De Jong, "Analyzing Inequality in the Past". My colleagues and I also took part in the session organized by Guido Alfani and Peter Lindert, "Preindustrial Inequality: Europe, Asia and the Americas Compared". There my colleague Mats Olsson presented our paper on wealth in Swedish cities 1650-1715. 

6-7 September. Sound Economic History Workshop, Gothenburg. I presented a paper (read workshop version here) with Jakob Molinder on “The Birth of Social Democratic Sweden: Organizations and Voting, 1910-1936”.

13-14 September. Conference Wealth and Debt Accumulation in Informal Financial Markets, 1750-1910 at the Stockholm School of Economics. I presented a paper, co-authored with Mats Olsson and Patrick Svensson, on wealth in Stockholm and other Swedish cities 1650-1715.

3 October. I present my research on historical wealth inequality in Sweden and Finland at the economic history seminar at the Paris School of Economics.

23-24 October. I will present a paper on labour repression in Sweden 1870-1914 at the workshop “Industrial vigilantism, strikebreaking and patterns of  anti-labour violence, 1890s-1930s” at the Faculty of History, Oxford University.

5 December. I will present a paper on agrarian authoritarianism in early twentieth-century Sweden at the Berlin Colloquium of Economic History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

12 December. I will present a study of wealth in Stockholm and other Swedish cities 1650-1715 at the Department of History, Stockholm University.


“Wealth inequality in Finland and Sweden, 1750-1900”. Paper presentation at the first conference, Paris School of Economics, 14-15 December. (Info here.)

“Världens jämlikaste land? Sverige 1750 till idag”. Föreläsning som var en del av Lunds universitets 350-årsjubileumskurs, hållen 13 november. Finns att se här.

“Sveriges (o)jämlika historia”.  Föredrag hos Historiska studentföreningen KLIO, Lund, 13 oktober.

“Peasant Farmer Parliamentarians in Sweden, c. 1770–1900”. Joint work with Mats Olsson.

            European Historical Economics Society, Tübingen, 1-2 September.

            Rural History Conference, Leuven, 10-14 September.

            Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Ultuna, 13 December.

“The Swedish Sonderweg in Question: Democratization and Inequality in Comparative Perspective, c. 1750–1920”

            Sjunde svenska historikermötet, Sundsvall, 10-12 May.    

            Economic History Unit, University of Gothenburg, 17 May

            Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark, 23 May.

“Inequality and Wealth of the Swedish Peasant Farmer Class, 1750-1900”. Joint work with Patrick Svensson.

            Economic History Society Annual Conference, University of London, 31 March-2 April 2017

            “Hushållens finansiella dispositioner i förindustriella Norden” workshop, Uppsala, 12-13 June 2017.

            Rural History Conference, Leuven, 10-14 September 2017

            Swedish Economic History Meeting, Stockholm 10-12 October 2017

“Elite Dominance and Public Spending: Evidence from Municipalities in Sweden, 1874–1904”. Joint work with Thor Berger

            Economic History Department seminar, Lund University, 5 April 2017

            Sjunde svenska historikermötet, Sundsvall, 10-12 May 2017.

“Bhaduri-Marglin in the Long Run: Wage-led and Profit-led Growth since c. 1900 in Five Countries”. Joint work with Engelbert Stockhammer.

            Kingston University, Department of Economics, 24 April 2017

“Sveriges (o)jämlika historia”. Föredrag som del av panel under rubriken “Rik eller fattig, man eller kvinna” på Lunds universitet, Eden, 8 mars. See here.

“Unequal Poverty, Equal Industrialization: Finnish Wealth, 1750-1900”. Joint work with Anna Missiaia and Mats Olsson (Lund) and Ilkka Nummela (Jyväskylä)

            Department of Economic History, Lund, 23 February 2017.

“En ekonomi för de 99 procenten”. I participated in a panel discussion at Oxfam Sweden in Stockholm, 16 January.


“Sveriges (o)jämlika historia”. Talk at Socialdemokratiska teknologer, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, 8 December.

“Wealth Inequality in Sweden, 1750-1900”.  Joint work with Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson and Patrick Svensson.

        Statistisk Sentralbyrå research department, Oslo, 29 November

“Konflikten om mervärdet”. Participation in seminar, with Anna Danielsson Öberg, at Socialistiskt Forum, Stockholm, 26 November

“Productivity Relations among Second Wave Industrializers”.  Joint work with Svante Prado, University of Gothenburg.

            41st Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, 17-20 November

“The Wealth of the Richest: Inequality and the Nobility in Sweden, 1750-1900”.  Joint work with Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson and Patrick Svensson

"Sound for Seniors" workshop, University of Gothenburg, 24 August

Uppsala University Department of History historical seminar, 26 September

41st Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, 17-20 November

Danish Society for Economic and Social History, Copenhagen, 2-3 December

“Inequality and Wealth of the Swedish Peasant Farmer Class, 1750-1900”.  Joint work with Patrick Svensson.

41st Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, 17-20 November

“Makt, löner och inkomstfördelning: En reflektion om forskningsläget och vägen framåt”.

Work and Employment Research Centre, University of Gothenburg, 18 October 

“Capital Shares and Inequality in the Long Run”. Joint work with Daniel Waldenström.

Kingston University Department of Economics, London, May

20th FMM Conference, Berlin, 20-22 October (link)

41st Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, 17-20 November

“The Economic Effects  of the 1920 Eight Hour Working Day Reform in Sweden”.  Joint work with Jakob Molinder.

Lund University Department of Economic History, 20 April

2nd Interwar Economic History Workshop, London School of Economics, 13-14 May

European Macrohistory Workshop, Banque de France/Universität Bonn, Bonn, 3-4 June. 


“Capital Shares and Inequality in the Long Run”. Joint work with Daniel Waldenström.

6 Jornadas Uruguayas de Historica Económica, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2-4 December

SOUND Economic History Workshop, Lund, 26-27 November

10th Swedish Economic History Meeting, Umeå, 8-10 October

“The Effect of a Massive Wage Push on Income Distribution and Employment: Evidence from the 1920 Eight Hour Day Reform in Sweden and Its Aftermath”.  Joint work with Jakob Molinder.

Höstseminarium med Nätverket för socialforskning, Lund, 16-17 November

Uppsala Center for Labor Studies Conference, Krusenbergs herrgård, 19-20 October

10th Swedish Economic History Meeting, Umeå, 8-10 October

“Industriavtalet: En historisk betraktelse”. På Nätverket jämställda löner, Stockholm, 13 November. (slides here)

“Neoliberal Critiques of Planning: Perspectives from Hayek and Foucault”. At a seminar arranged by Svensk Standard, Konstakademin, Stockholm, 15 October.

“Productivity in Sweden and Germany 1870-1959”. Joint work with Svante Prado. 10th Swedish Economic History Meeting, Umeå, 8-10 October.

Presentation of my research on inequality at Syddansk universitet, Odense, Denmark, 8-10 September.

“Wage Leadership in Sweden: The Origins and Social Coalitions of the 'Scandinavian Model of Inflation”. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, London, July 2015.

“Wage Restraint and Wage Militancy: Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, 1950-2010”. 

27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, London, July 2015.

FAOS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2015


Presentation on chapters 7-13 in Thomas Piketty's book Capital in the 21st Century at a study group arranged by the trade union Unionen, Stockholm 7 October 2014.

“Skilled-Unskilled Wage Ratios in Sweden, c. 1830-1950”. Joint work with Svante Prado. FRESH Economic History Workshop, Perth, Scotland, April 2014


Moderator in discussion on functional income distribution at Swedish Economic History Meeting, Lund, November 2013. Panel participants: Lars Calmfors (Stockholm University) and Lennart Schön (Lund University)

25th annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy conference, Paris, 7-9 November 2013. Presented paper "Historical Wage Shares and Income Inequality in Seven Countries".

Panel participant in discussion on wage shares at Socialistiskt forum, Stockholm, november 2013.

“Wage Restraint in Scandinavia: in the Postwar Period or the Neoliberal Age?”. Presented at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Societies, Cologne, Germany, October 2013.

Participation in panel discussion on wage shares and capital shares at Almedalsveckan, Visby, July 2013. (Report in Transportarbetaren here.)

Presentation on wage shares, the trade union Unionen, Stockholm, 24 June 2013.

“Vad hände med löneandelen?”.Seminarium med Sandro Scocco, Karin Pettersson och Lars Lindgren, LO, Stockholm, 19 mars 2013.


16th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Berlin 25-27 October 2012. Presented paper "The Wage Share in Sweden since 1960".

WSI Summer School, Berlin, 17-21 September 2012. Presentation "The Wage Share in Sweden".

Presentation on wage shares and capital shares at Transport Workers' Union congress, Örebro, May 2012. (Report in Transportarbetaren here.)


Industrial Relations in Europe Conference, Barcelona, 1-2 September 2011

Presentation at Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE), University of California-Los Angeles, May 2011.

Paper on Swedish labour court conflicts presented at University of Pittsburgh, April 2011.