Rural inequality and politics in sweden

The rural inequality and politics database

I'm working in 2024 on building a database of all Swedish municipalities (~2300) and judicial districts (~250) with information on population, employment structure, emigration, degree of wealth, and economic inequality.

I use the database in a paper with Felix Kersting from Humboldt University Berlin. The paper is called "The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison". 

We have presented the paper in Vienna, Lund and Dortmund as well as online in the Historical Study of States and Regimes Research Lab (19 January 2024). We will present it again on 2 May 2024 in the Virtual Workshop in Historical Political Economy.

The database is linkable to the SND database of electoral outcomes 1911-1944, so one can relate municipality- or district-level outcomes to municpality/district traits.

Furthermore, the database includes reference codes that makes it immediately linkable with Johan Junkka's package for R, histmaps, which allows you to make maps.

The map on the left is made with histmaps and data from the database. Our database builds on official statistics and contemporary publications from statisticians like Hans af Forssell and Gustav Sundbärg. Large swathes of Norrland (the north of the country) was exempt from the wealth tax and hence those areas are "white" in the map.

The database will be freely available when we have finished our paper.

The graph on the left shows the distribution of Conservative vote shares in Götaland (southern Sweden) in the Riksdag election of 1932.

The electoral data come from Sten Berglund's dataset stored at SND and the plot is made with Johan Junkka's histmaps package for R.