
Chapter 13

Civil liberties affects life in America in many ways. This is because it gives individual rights that are protected by law and from unjust governmental or other interference.. To me, this means that one’s rights are protected under law. This can affect families through the way it protects them from any unjust behavior by the government or group of people. Its impact is very important today because many of the foundations of the country is based on civil liberty. Its relevance today is that of Trump and his Muslim ban, which many see violates these liberties

Freedom of SPeech affects life in America in many ways. This is because it gives the voice to the voiceless. To me, this means that any ne can say anything within reason. This can affect families through the way it allows them to freely talk about certain views or ideas. Free speech affects the nation through they way it gives everyone a voice. Its impact is very important today because these freedoms allow people to talk about things that many people or the government could disagree with.

Peaceful petition affects life in America in a lot of ways. This is because it allows people to protest ideas or things that they feel that they disagree with. To me, this means that petition cannot be shut down unless it because a disruption. This affects the nation through they way it allows people to even protest the government which in some countries is still illegal. Its impact is very important today because many civil rights stem from peaceful petition such as the Women’s suffrage and the Civil rights movement.


Chapter 14

Habeas corpus affects life in America in many ways. This is because it gives the people hte power to protest their imprisonment if they feel that their imprisonment is unlawful. To me, this means that authorities cannot arrest someone unless there is a justified reason for it. This can affect families through the way it limits what the authorities can do. This affects the nation through they way it limits the authorities to arrest someone with a justified reason. Its impact is very important today because of its application to many arrests.

Due Process affects life in America in many ways.This is because all people are given fair treatment through the normal judicial system. To me, this means that people are given the right to fair treatment especially in trials. To my family it is very important to them and especially the country that free rights are given. Its impact is very important today because of unfair trials that can happen due to someone’s race or gender.

Right to fair trial affects life in America in positive ways. This is because the court system cannot imprison someone without a fair trial. To me, this means that no one can imprison someone without it being put on trial This can affect families through the way it can allow them to be set free with a trial. Fair trial affects the nation through they way it gives someone the chance to be set free, whether they are innocent or guilty of the crime which is its very importance to the country today.


Chapter 15

Illegal immigration affects life in America in many ways.This is because illegal immigration can negatively affect the economy. To me, I believe this is because of Illegals are often underpaid, which keeps wages lower in a particular occupation and region. This can affect families through the way it negatively affects the economy. Illegal immigration affects the nation through they way it can cause even more poverty in areas. Its impact is very important today because of the high illegal immigrant count in California. Its relevance today is that it is a major issue especially with Trump as president .

Equal protection affects life in America in many ways. This because of the pivotal role the equal protection clause played in the Civil rights movements. To me, this means that without the clause, it equal rights may not have been achieved. This can affect black families through the way it allowed them equal rights as whites. This affects the nation through they way it helped the movement for equal rights which is why it’s very important today.

Equal under law affects life in America in many ways. This means that every independent human being must be treated equally by the law. To me, this means that every human is equal no matter what case and if there is an event that transpired that affected the case. This can affect families through the way it protects them from being discriminated against. This affects the nation through they way it protects the civil rights of people. Some of it’s implications are that of the payment and hiring of employees. Its impact is very important today because it has helped people who have been oppressed. Its relevance today is that of the Muslim ban as it is seemingly not equal.