What does BASAC stand for?

BASAC stands for "Behavior Academics Should Avoid Completely."

Who submits experiences to BASAC?

Any academic can submit an experience.

In the future, experiences will be organized into categories. When you submit an experience, you will be asked to provide key words to help us categorize your experience. You can submit as many experiences as you like, and repeats of similar experiences will be posted for emphasis.

What kinds of experiences can I submit?

You can submit any experience involving you (an academic) and an action of another academic which made you feel uncomfortable and/or unwelcome. You also need to include why you felt uncomfortable and/or unwelcome, if this isn't already made clear by your description of the experience. You can read our Experiences page to get an idea of experiences that others have submitted.

Will my submission be anonymous?

We will never publish identifying information, even if you provide it. Although you are welcome to contact us by email, you can always use our webform for more anonymity.

Why do we need BASAC training?

By sharing uncomfortable and unwelcoming moments we hope to shed light on some behaviours that academics possibly (or probably) didn't even know made others uncomfortable or unwelcome. We also hope academics who feel uncomfortable or unwelcome can point their colleagues towards this website, to educate them without an awkward (and in some cases career threatening) conversation.