About BASAC Training

The goal of BASAC Training is to provide a resource for academics looking to make academia a more comfortable and welcoming place for all. Many of us are not aware of how our behaviors affect other members of our community. By reading about others' experiences and reflecting on our own behavior, we can make small changes that together make academia more comfortable and welcoming for everyone. It is also our hope that by collating these experiences, academics who are made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome in similar ways will feel a sense of solidarity.

Impact vs. Intent

We believe that an academic may never know the full impact that their behavior is having on others. Even if an action is meant with a certain intent (e.g. to be encouraging) it is not always the case that it is perceived this way.

We therefore encourage everyone to read the experiences with an open mind and take a moment to read how the submitter was made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.

Moderation policy

The experiences submitted will be moderated, and posted on this site by the moderators. The moderators job is to make sure:

  • No names or identifying features are included in experiences.

  • The experience is about an action of an academic that has made another academic feel uncomfortable and/or unwelcome.

  • It is made clear in the text of the submission why the experience made the academic feel uncomfortable and /or unwelcome.

  • The experience described is not illegal or explicitly graphic (we will not be able to post these).

If the moderation policy changes, we will update it here.