
Usher Instructions

General Instructions

Ushers and Greeters are the first people to see people entering the church. Ushers should strive to be open, inviting, and friendly. Part of being a radically welcoming church is to focus on listening more than talking to those who come to visit. Ask them what they seek and why they are here and then just listen. 

Specific Instructions

Before the service

Once someone enters the church, make sure they see all the stations at the rear of the sanctuary. After that they can be guided toward a seat. Please be ready to provide assistance especially if someone needs to use the elevator. Try to keep the noise level to a minimum.

During the service

Light the Chalice after the Chalice Lighting reading.

Hand out the Offertory Plates during the Offertory Music.

Extinguish the Chalice after the Closing Words.


The Welcome Table: People should pick up an Order of Service and be shown the UUA pamphlets if they would like further information.

The Visitor Table: Guests and Visitors can fill out the Guest Book. 

The Joys and Sorrows Table: People can fill out a Joys and Sorrows card if they want their concern announced during the service. They can also light a candle and offer any prayers.

The Art Space: People are welcome to use their Order of Service for creating art during the service. People should work quietly, however.

After the service

Help collect any papers left behind. Extinguish candles. Take the offertory money to the Treasurer. Encourage people to head downstairs for coffee.