
 Who We Are

In this church we do not ask everyone to look the same, think the same, believe the same thing, or identify in the same way. What we do ask is that we respect the worth of dignity of each individual in our words, our deeds, and our actions. Unitarian Universalism lifts up the believer rather than the belief. All who believe in the power of love are welcome here.

What We Do

We gather together to be in peace,
to seek knowledge and understanding through love,
and to help one another.

What We Believe

There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote:

Unitarian Universalism (UU) draws from many sources:

These principles and sources of faith are the backbone of our religious community.

Our Mission

The Barre Universalist Church will provide a loving caring community which honors, celebrates and defends the diversity of Creation; nurtures spiritual and personal growth; and encourages its members and friends to commit their time, talent, and treasure to serve others.

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