Whether you’re racing to the finish line or in the thick of it, deadlines can stress out the staff. For spring books, the coming days are imperative. Finish your book or miss delivery day. For fall books, you’re in the middle of production and needing to stay, well, productive.


Share your staff manuals and student media policies here.

Content planning, checklists, cheat sheets & style guides to help your spread planning and design.

See an example of Bridgeland High School's editor agreement.

Do you give refunds? How do you handle mistakes? Do you allow lyrics in senior ads? A student media policy provides guidance when questions come up.

Application & recommendation forms; staff organization & job descriptions. Plus, the recruiting guide & posters!

The kid thrown into yearbook who has no desire to work on it. The student you don’t quite trust in the hallways. The student who’s sweet as can be, but can’t write a story or take a photo to save his life. We’ve got a few suggestions so that stuck student isn’t stuck with nothing to do.


Want to share your evaluation forms? Send to and she'll add to the Google share. Thanks!

Rubrics specifically communicate advisers’ expectations to their staffs.

Portfolio assessments are a highly effective evaluation tool for journalism classrooms because they require students to self-document their work.

Whether or not you include feature stories or alternative copy in your yearbook, your students will need to write headlines and captions for identification and reference.