
Fozila Ikromova finished her internship in Orel State University, Russia

During this intership she ...    visited every pub in Orel and did a really hard work in the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Pathology of Scientific and Technological Center for Biomedical Photonics

Feruzbek Khasanov returned after two-month internship in UCL, London

UCL Institute of Neurology 

Khondamir Rustamov participated in the Summer Research programm at EPFL

He worked in the Laboratory of Protein Design and Immunoengeneering at EPFL, Switzerland, where he learned state-of-the-art methods in protein design.

During this program he designed soluble analogs of GPCRs with preserved functions... and enjoyed hiking in the Alps.

Artyom Y. Baev and Anvar Sariev participated in the international conference: Receptors and Intracellular Signaling. Pushino, Russia

They made a presentation and a poster about:

Inorganic polyphosphates influence the regulatory decrease in thymocyte volume through activation of P2X purinoceptors - Artyom Y. Baev

Algorithm for assessing cell death after induced ischemia by staining TTC -  Anvar Sariev

We hosted Bioenergetics Summer School in our lab

During annual ‘Summer School’ students get theoretical and practical expertise in experimental biophysics, including different methods like extraction of mitochondria, assessing their bioenergetic status, measuring the influence of lipids peroxidation products of animal and plant cells and enzyme activity, which contribute to cell defense against active oxygen species. Students also get skills in stem cell extraction and cultivation, evaluating their surveillance rate, and detection of cell necrosis and apoptosis using modern methods of fluorescent visualization. 

Neurobiologist at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Dr. Satoshi Kuroki visited CAT.

His scientific work focuses on studying the processes of memory and thinking in the brain. He studies "place neurons" and "grid neurons" in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex which help determine a place in space and remember it.

Baev Artyom Yuryevich. Video in the ‘QVANT’ journal, section “What do Uzbekistan scientists do?”

Клеточная сигнализация и биоэнергетика клетки

Baev Artyom in the TV program "Profi" of the channel "Dunyo buylab"

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