Selected High Leverage Practices

Although all 22 HLPs are highly effective, the AZ CEEDAR team selected the 6 HLPs below in which to focus, based on their significance and impact in supporting ALL learners and current Arizona education initiatives.

HLP6: Use student assessment data, analyze instructional practices, and make necessary adjustments that improve student outcomes.

HLP12: Systematically design instruction toward a specific learning goal.

Video Example of HLP12 (Kennedy, M. J., Peeples, K. N., Romig, J. E., Mathews, H. M., Rodgers, W. J. (2018):

HLP15: Provide scaffolded supports.

Video example of HLP 15 (Kennedy, M. J.)

HLP16: Use explicit instruction.

Video example of HLP 16 (Kennedy, M. J., Peeples, K. N., Romig, J. E., Mathews, H. M., Rodgers, W. J. (2018).

HLP20: Provide intensive instruction.

Video example of HLP 20 (Kennedy, M. J., Peeples, K. N., Romig, J. E., Mathews, H. M., & Rodgers, W. J. (2018):

HLP22: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior.

Video example of HLP 8 & 22 (Kennedy, M. J., Peeples, K. N., Romig, J. E., Mathews, H. M., Rodgers, W. J. (2018).