Bureau of Reclamation

Established in 1902, the Bureau of Reclamation is best known for the dams, powerplants, and canals  it constructed in the 17 western states. These water projects led to homesteading and promoted the economic development of the West. Recognized as a leader of water development projects in the Western States, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has also contributed significantly to the nation's knowledge and understanding of prehistoric and historic peoples.

A Cultural Resources Management (CRM) program was established at Reclamation in 1974 to manage the rich array of cultural resources under its jurisdiction. Since then, the program has expanded significantly as cultural resource laws, requirements, and public concerns continue to increase and become more complex. The Federal Preservation Officer, located in Denver, coordinates Reclamation's CRM program with many responsibilities delegated to regional and area office staff. These include professional archaeologists, historians, architectural historians, museum specialists, and physical anthropologists.

Contact Information

The Phoenix Area Office's Environmental Resource Management Division is charged with protecting Arizona's natural and cultural resources within its area of operations. This means ensuring that federally funded construction projects designed to develop water resources do not harm the local environment or that unavoidable environmental impacts are mitigated. This is accomplished through adherence to federal law designed to protect the environment and cultural resources. The Phoenix Area Office also takes a proactive approach to protecting natural and cultural resources within its area of operations.

Phoenix Area Office Contacts

Dominic Graziani, Division Chief/Supervisory Environmental Specialist: 623.773.6250

Lauren Jelinek, Archaeologist: 623-773-6263; ljelinek@usbr.gov

Jessica Axsom, Archaeologist, 623-773-6262, jaxsom@usbr.gov.


Lower Colorado Region Offices

The Bureau of Reclamation's Lower Colorado Region manages and helps develop water resources programs and projects throughout the arid Southwest (see map). The headquarters for the Region is located in Boulder City, Nevada, but several other offices provide services to local communities in individual states