What Develops the need for Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic Treatment?

A collection of kidney disorders that collectively becomes a syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome is a joint result of too much protein in the urine, hypoalbuminemia, elevated levels of cholesterol, edema, and pulmonary edema. When these symptoms begin to affect the functioning of kidneys at drastic levels, the need for nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment develops.

People who are at the highest risk of getting their kidneys invaded by nephrotic syndrome are the ones who have HIV, Hepatitis B and C, malaria, lupus, diabetes, FSGS, etc. and those who are habitual of consuming NSAIDs & other drugs. However, it is more common in children than in adults. It may come in inheritance or may get affected because of the negligence or complications in pregnancy.

If we look at the causes then the possible causes seem to be similar to kidney diseases; inherited pattern, glomerulonephritis, diabetes, overconsumption of painkillers and antibiotics, etc. The common cause that was diagnosed at the time of nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment was lupus nephritis. It is a disease that attacks the healthy cells of the body and may give a paralysis attack.

This type of natural treatment includes nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic medicines that may aid the following alarming signs indicating the need for natural medicament:

• Weight gain: Weight gain can occur in people who develop swelling. Weight gain can occur rapidly. Uncommonly, weight loss can occur in people who are losing large quantities of protein in the urine. This may be due to malnutrition or an underlying condition, such as poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, a chronic viral infection, or cancer.

• Renal failure: Some people with nephrotic syndrome have a gradual decline in kidney function, which causes no symptoms in the early stages. However, as kidney function continues to worsen, symptoms of kidney failure can develop, including shortness of breath, weakness and easy fatigability (from anemia), and loss of appetite.

• Blood lipids: The concentration of lipids (cholesterol and/or triglycerides) can become greatly elevated in nephrotic syndrome. If persistent, this may increase the risk of coronary artery disease.

• Blocked blood vessels: People with nephrotic syndrome are at an increased risk of blood clots in the veins or arteries. Clots in the veins can travel to the lungs. This can be dangerous, or even fatal.

• Pyelonephritis: People with severe nephrotic syndrome are at increased risk for infections (particularly children with minimal change disease), although the reasons for this are not well understood.

What should a disease should do to prevent nephrotic syndrome?

At Karma Ayurveda's health, patients come complaining, and showing their grief of a phrase that is common among them is ‘There is no cure for nephrotic syndrome as it is congenital or inherited disorder’ nonetheless, Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic medicines have shown the successful results in reversing the damage. Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is a course of medicament that heals the core of disorders. As discussed above, it is a group of symptoms that affect the overall health of kidneys. This treatment provides a course of medication that incorporates the correct consumption of herbs, fruits, vegetables, shrubs, and essential oils. Most of us are not aware of the fact that aromatherapy, acupuncture, and acupressure are the three parts of the medicament of Ayurveda.

Following the right diet & lifestyle at the right time can help in the elimination of every disorder that plays a key role in kidney dysfunction. Following are the basic guidelines that the Ayurvedacharya of www.karmaayurvedahealth.com suggest to make in lives:

• Maintain a healthy weight and have a balanced diet that is low in salt and fats so that it can help in controlling your blood pressure.

• A diabetic patient must control the blood sugar level by choosing what to eat.

• You must adjust the intake of calories in your diet as the right number of calories can help in balancing your weight.

• Carbohydrate and fat intake should be balanced as they have high potassium and phosphorus content.

• The amount of protein should be limited as having too much protein can be hard for the kidneys to filter. High protein food should be replaced with low protein food such as bread, fruits, vegetables, pasta, and rice.

• Sodium is almost present in all foods and can result in swelling and raise your blood pressure. Try to avoid processed food as it contains more sodium content.

• One should eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.

• An abundant amount of water intake can help in the easy passing of urine.

• Avoid drinking beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol.

There is a complete set of instructions and other necessary information waiting right after the click. So, go and avail a personalized nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment to heal your kidneys naturally.

Source: https://karmaayurvedahealth.wordpress.com/