Can Ayurveda manage creatinine?

What is creatinine?

Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs that are prominent in filtering the waste products and excess fluids out of your body. They filter the unessential components out of your body in order to keep all of its levels maintained. Kidneys balance PH, salts, potassium and ensure a sufficient amount of plasma to keep blood flowing to the major organs in your body. In short, they are described as the whole balance of your body but some conditions can lead to interference within the rate of functioning of kidneys.

Metabolic activities of body muscles generate a chemical substance which is known as creatine. Creatine is the powerhouse that produces energy for the muscles. 2% of the creatine in your body is transformed into creatinine on a daily basis. Kidneys are the ones that eliminate creatinine from your body and maintain the sufficient creatinine levels in your blood accordingly. The levels of creatinine in your blood can signify kidney function which can help in the detection of the internal systematic function of other organs also. If the levels of creatinine are increased then it is an indication of impaired kidney function.

As the kidneys lose their ability to function normally, they are not able to maintain the levels of creatinine in your blood. As many functions are interrupted due to the loss of kidney function, your blood contains higher levels of creatinine due to the poor separation by kidneys.

Therefore abnormal levels of creatinine are a sign of abnormal kidney function which can have dire consequences. Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine reduces the elevated levels of creatinine by improving your kidney function naturally.

What are the causes of high creatinine levels?

Healthy kidneys will maintain the levels of creatinine in your bloodstream while some medical condition or kidney diseases can cause kidneys to lose their ability to eliminate all the chemical by-products that are present in the blood. An increase in the levels of creatinine is the outcome of the malfunction in the kidneys. These are the reasons that raise the creatinine levels:

● Several creatine based supplements, medications and foods that are high in protein can increase the levels of creatinine in your blood.

● Over Consuming red meat and protein.

● Engaging in strenuous or intense exercises.

● Kidney infections or impaired kidney function can lead to poor filtration of creatinine in your blood.

These diseases are associated with affecting the kidneys which can result in increased creatinine levels:

● Gout.

● Diabetes.

● Rhabdomyolysis or muscular dystrophy can cause an abnormal breakdown of muscles.

● High blood pressure can increase pressure on the tiny blood vessels that filter blood. Due to which poor filtration of waste products along with creatinine occurs.

● Urinary tract infections.

● Autoimmune disorders such as lupus.

● Goodpasture syndrome.

● Major blood loss caused by accident.

● Direct kidney injury.

Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine deals with the causes as they are the building blocks from where the major health condition develops.

What are the signs and symptoms of high creatinine?

One can not detect higher creatinine levels in their blood as it can only be possible by doing some tests that help in measuring the creatinine levels. Symptoms arise when your kidneys face major disbalance in their rate of functioning. These are the alerting symptoms that are associated with high creatinine levels:

● Swelling due to the buildups of waste products.

● Shortness of breath.

● Nausea and vomiting.

● Changes in urination.

● Dehydration.

● Muscle cramps.

● Chest pain.

● Fatigue.

● High blood pressure.

● Confusion.

Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine suppresses the symptoms and complications that are rising due to abnormal kidney function and creatinine levels.

When to see the doctor?

If you experience any of the recurring symptoms that are directly related to high creatinine levels. You should book an appointment with your doctor and go for a routine check-up to know about the measurement of your creatinine levels.

Can Ayurveda manage the higher creatinine levels?

Ayurveda is a branch of ancient medical science that has acquired expertise in human anatomy since the dawn of civilization. So it can treat even major conditions like high creatinine levels in your blood. Diet and lifestyle play a vital role in Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine as these changes can create positive impacts on your body and maintain the elevated levels of creatinine, high blood pressure in your body. The treatment vanquishes the recurring symptoms and deals with the causes that are responsible for this major health condition. The following points are based on Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine:

● Intense exercises can accelerate the production of creatinine. Therefore yoga is recommended instead of intense exercises. Yoga maintains your disrupted doshas and brings you entail and physical peace.

● Creatine based supplements are restricted in ayurvedic treatment for creatinine as they can trigger complications in your body if you have impaired kidney function.

● The diet chart restricts the consumption of protein as high protein can create interference in the amount of creatinine in the blood. That is why people with high creatinine should not consume protein-rich food items.

● Diet is enriched with fibre as it can reduce the rate of creatinine in your blood.

● Herb based medications are prescribed to reduce the creatinine levels in your blood. Organic herbs are said to be effective in balancing the high creatinine by repairing the impaired kidney function naturally. Ayurveda does not promote any drugs or supplements in Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine because they can create a whole lot of complications for your body.

The bottom line is that Ayurveda can manage the creatinine levels by authentic herb-based medications and the diet chart which is customised according to your reports.