Home Remedies for High Blood Urea Level

A diagnosis of Uremia or high blood urea level via blood or nitrogen tests means that your kidney is not working properly. Basically, this situation happens when protein is broken down into our body and the kidney is not able to separate urea from the blood then Uremia occurs. The kidney acts like the filter of the body, which filters waste products like nitrogen and urea from the blood.

Basically, the last stage of uremia is kidney failure, so the treatment of uremia requires treating the kidney first. People who suffer from uremia usually have protein, creatinine, and other harmful products in their blood which contaminate other parts of the body as well.

There are many reasons from which uremia occur like:

• High blood pressure

• Some types of cancer

• Enlarged prostate

• Both types of diabetes

• Glomerulonephritis which means inflammation of the tiny filters in your kidney.

• Kidney stones

• Kidney infection

• Consuming more meat

There are symptoms of uremia that helps you to find that you might be suffering from this harmful disease, and they are –

• Swelling in some parts of the body

• Facing problems in breathing

• As in this patient usually gets dehydrated easily

• Fatigue and vomiting is also one of the greatest symptoms of uremia

• Confusion

If your kidney stops working and not filtering waste products from bloodstreams then it may cause severe life-threatening disorders for a person. Before this problem reaches higher stages, you must have to take some serious steps which may help you to cure uremia. We are going to tell you about some home remedies and some ways incorporated in Ayurvedic kidney treatment which can cure anyone of uremia.

There are many more issues raised when there is an increase in the level of urea in the blood.

As many complications that may come with uremia, kidney-related issues can also be raised. Some issues which arise after uremia are as follows:

• First and foremost people who are going under the dialysis process on a routine basis are suffered the most from uremia.

• Cardiovascular issues like blocking in the vessels, the problem in breathing are the most common in this disease.

• Heart attack must be the cause of death.

• People may suffer from severe depression.

• As these were the most common complications, you have to first go to the doctor and consult.

Is there any precaution and diet restriction for uremia patients?

The answer is yes, as uremia occurs when kidney stops working, your diet plan must be changed and the patient has to follow it strictly. There are some restrictions and diet plan which must be followed by uremia patient.

• Avoid eating products which include a high amount of sodium, phosphorus, and potassium.

• Add a healthy diet to your regular diet.

• Control diabetes by exercise and precautions

• Maintain blood pressure by avoiding salt, meditation, and medication.

• Not to smoke as they will affect our body

• Plan a regular exercise as per guided by doctors and dieticians.

There are some other facts like the genetic problem of kidney disease or age of patient which may also affect kidney problem issues. But taking more and more preventive steps may help in curing this hazardous disease.

There are many Ayurvedic renal treatments that can cure this disease without any side effects. Before talking about Ayurvedic renal treatment you must know about some easy home remedies which are very essential for uremia patients which help them to fight this disease.

Home remedies for controlling high urea level in blood are:

As exercise is very important for all people but sometimes the overdoing of exercise may affect your kidney because of heavy exercise, faster muscle metabolism takes place that increases the production of creatinine.

Try to reduce the intake of protein as protein increases creatinine level in our body which may create urea level in the bloodstream which may cause uremia.

You should add more and more fiber to your diet which may help you to lower the creatinine level in the blood. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains are rich in fiber.

Try to remove dehydration, as dehydration creatinine level increases so consult your doctor about how much fluid you must take for the prevention of dehydration.

Try to reduce your cholesterol level by some home remedies like using olive oil or coconut oil in place of mustard oil or use less amount of mustard oil, try to avoid rice as much as you can.

Try to cut down your weight as fat releases creatinine which may harm any patient who has diagnosed with uremia.

These are the home remedies that must be followed by every uremia patient if they want a cure for this disease. Many times people enquire about Ayurvedic kidney treatment, this is because if you are going for allopathic kidney treatment there must be some complications or some side effects which may harm other parts of the body but Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is the only way to treat any kidney issue without any side effect.

As Karma Ayurveda is working with the aim of curing kidney disease without having dialysis, here you will be provided with herbal medicines which balance the level of creatinine. Dr. Puneet who is running this foundation to cure people of all kidney problems has cured more than 1,20,000 kidney patients. From the last few years, many patients got cured of Karma Ayurveda.