Foods to eat or avoid during chronic kidney disease

You may need to make certain modifications in your diet when a doctor tells you have chronic kidney disease. Some healthy foods or nutrients have been linked with improved kidney function. Foods that contain antioxidants help protect the body from various immune system attacks.

Oxidation is a process of producing energy, but too much oxidation of fats and cholesterol can destroy genes, cell membranes, and tissues. Many diseases have been linked to the risk of the oxidation process, and chronic kidney disease is one of them. There is a link between the food that may reduce the severity and rectify the damage to the kidneys.

Function of the kidneys

The purpose of the diet is to maintain the levels of electrolytes, minerals, and other important nutrients. Patients with CKD need to follow a different diet different from what is usual. Limiting certain nutrients is important to prevent damage to the kidneys as it is hard to survive with food intolerance during the late stages of kidney disease. Further, when you have kidney damage, your body cannot eliminate urine naturally which accumulates waste in the blood. This can also cause too much fluid accumulation in the heart and lungs, leading to Edema.

Consult your healthcare provider, and know how much calories you need to take to make your kidneys healthy, and prevent the breakdown of the tissue. Also, ask what source of calorie is good for your health.


If your doctor suggests that you do not have any problem eating carbs, then they are a good source of energy to include in your diet. If your healthcare provider recommends a low protein diet, then substitute high protein foods with fruits, vegetables, and grains. They are a good package of your dietary requirements and give you enough energy, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

You can even consume a high-calorie diet with desserts such as cakes or cookies (only if you do not have high blood sugar), but limit dairy products, nuts, chocolates, etc.


When you have chronic kidney disease, your doctor recommends taking a diet low in protein based on your age, the stage of kidney disease, your muscle mass, and other factors. But you need protein to sustain muscle health. After dialysis, your dietary requirements change during dialysis as you will need to eat more protein. High protein sources include:

• Fish

• Poultry pork

• Eggs in every meal

• Egg white powder

Your healthcare provider or dietician will closely look for the nutrients you need in different stages of kidney disease. No two people have the same dietary requirement and hence, should not rely on others dietary plan for their needs.


Even in the early stages of chronic kidney disease, your kidneys cannot eliminate phosphorus efficiently. The phosphorus level can get too high at that time. Excess levels of phosphorus can cause:

Low calcium level: Excess phosphorus can extract calcium from your bones and make them weak.

Itching: Phosphorus build-up in the blood also causes itchy or dry skin. Thus, avoid dairy foods as they contain a large amount of phosphorus. Such as:

• Milk

• Yoghurt

• Cheese

• Egg yolks

• Beans

• Bran cereals

• Processed Meats

• Cola or soft drinks

• Lemonade

• Heavy cream

• Butter

Low phosphorus foods that can be eaten

• Peanut butter

• Freshly brewed tea

• Fresh lemonade

• Asparagus

• Green beans


Reducing sodium from your diet will help regulate blood pressure, prevent you from getting thirsty, and averts the body from holding onto extra fluid. When buying foods, always go for the stuff labeled as:

• Low-sodium

• No salt added

• Sodium-free

• Sodium-reduced

• Unsalted

If the label says salt at the beginning of the ingredients, then check it should have less than 100 mgs of salt per serving. Even, if you cook food at home, use substitutes such as herbs or some added flavor to your food. Do not use other salt substitutes as they contain potassium and people with CKD need to cut down potassium consumption.


Too much potassium in your blood does not allow the kidneys to function at their core capacity. Hyperkalemia is the potassium build-up in the blood that cause heart rhythms can even proven to be fatal for the patients. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of potassium, so should be consumed only after leaching.

Fruits for CKD patients

• Peaches

• Grapes

• Apples

• Blueberries

• Watermelon

• Strawberries

Avoid fruits such as:

• Orange juice

• Kiwis

• Raisins

• Dried fruits

• Bananas

• Honeydew

• Prunes

• Nectarines

Vegetables that are good for the kidney patients

• Broccoli

• Cabbage

• Carrots

• Cauliflower

• Lettuce

• Onion

• Peppers

• Celery

• Cucumber

• Green and wax beans

• Zucchini

Avoid vegetables such as:

• Avocado

• Potatoes

• Tomatoes or tomato sauce

• Winter squash

• Pumpkin

• Cooked spinach


People at the advanced stage of kidney disease have anemia and so need more iron. Many foodstuffs contain also contain iron but are rich in other sources so they should be eaten carefully. Talk to your nephrologist about the foods you should eat and the chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda you should take.


In the mild stage of CKD, you need not limit fluid intake, but as your conditions become sever it means your kidneys are losing their strength. At that time, you will need to look after the amount of fluid or water you can take. You should also abstain from consuming cola or dark-colored colas and carbonated water. These types of drinks contain phosphorus and potassium that can damage your kidneys.

To avoid excess consumption, one should limit sodium or salt in your diet as they make you thirsty. Use small cups or glasses and turn over your cup when drinking water to avoid excess water intake.

If you wish to know more about the diet plans for you or need ayurvedic treatment to manage kidney disease, then reach!
