African Youth Summit on Biodiversity (AYSB)
An annual event organized by GYBN Africa

About The Summit

The annual African Youth Summit on Biodiversity (AYSB) is a three-day summit organized by GYBN Africa that brings together young African leaders to discuss issues related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The summit aims to provide an environment designed to boost leadership skills and empower African youth to take action in their communities to protect and conserve biodiversity.

GYBN Africa is leveraging youth expertise and partnerships to accelerate progress toward achieving the 2050 goal of living in harmony with nature. The AYSB initiative unites young people and the larger ecosystem of change makers to achieve sustainable development for all. 

We are bringing together youth, youth-led and youth-serving organisations, and representatives from diverse sectors, including NGOs, government agencies, policymakers, funders, and the private sector, to co-design a living strategy for reducing biodiversity loss that focuses on young people, the planet, and prosperity for all.

AYSB is committed to: 

A Unique Opportunity for Collective Action 

Through a series of interactive workshops, discussions, and presentations, the summit provides a space for young people to learn about the latest research and best practices in biodiversity conservation, as well as to share their own experiences and ideas. Participants also have the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, build partnerships, and develop innovative solutions to address the challenges facing biodiversity in Africa. 

The summit is organised by the youth members of GYBN Africa and is supported by a range of partners, including governments, international organisations, and civil society groups. It is held annually in different locations across Africa, with each summit focusing on a different theme related to biodiversity conservation.