The Team

U.O.M.U. : Union Of Master Uomu

Who are these people?

We are 3 old friends from Santiago, Chile.

We love videogames since the first time we tried them (in the 80's), specially platformers and fighting games. We are also avid lovers of 80's movies, (crappy B-movies too) sci-fi, comics, old school Anime (Ninja scroll, Akira, DBZ), and overall classic-style nerds. We try to reflect that in what we do as well, of course.

Cursed image of the UOMU team

Currently, we're working on our first game, LVL99 AxeRage, and we're working and hard and learning fast about everything, driven only by our love of retro gaming.

Lately, we integrated a new member to help us out in the social management aspect, as we tend to talk very little about what we do, thus failing to get our work outside our closer friends. We hope we find the right audience for the type of games we want to make, and we truly want people to go back to the SNES/ Genesis / Arcade era, and have fun with our games!

On another note, our team's name is a recursive in-joke from old Turkish action movies. If you know where it is from, we'll most definitely give you an actual prize!

Our Games

About LVL99 AxeRage

We wanted to make something of our own, mixing all the things we love from the 80's and 90's. Games like Megaman X, Castlevania, Super Metroid, Street fighter, Metal Slug, are our main inspirations!

After several years of having concept art and ideas, one of us (Omegachaino) polished the first sprite we had (the main character running), our programmer (Don Brutalo) got his hands in Construct 2, I (ChoqueCop) started helping and ever since then we've just kept working until now.

LVL99 AxeRage includes a B-Movie feeling as well, because we just love that stuff! Gore, fantasy sci-fi, robots, aliens, and apocalyptic scenarios blend in perfectly with our vision for an action packed adventure, so in the end LVL99 AxeRage is a reflection of all the badass brutal stuff we enjoy, and we hope you can enjoy it as well!