Welcome to YOUR Growth Opportunity

You could have chosen any of the multitudes of learning options available. Instead you were drawn to this Awareness training opportunity.

Clearly, you are ready, it's time to start making things happen in your life!

You've chosen your path, let's start your adventure.

OPTION A - Ongoing subscription to the Awareness Principles course led by me.

OPTION B - Choose stand alone courses you are drawn to doing on your own.

All courses available;

  • as video

  • slide presentations

  • audio lectures

  • .pdf files & transcripts of lectures

Supplemented by virtual meetings online, or if you're local in-person, counsel sessions to support, encourage, and add advice from me.

Since they are self-paced, you progress at your speed, pause when needed, repeat and pick up where you left off, when you are ready.

Which do you choose today?

Monthly Subscription or Course Catalog

Like jumping in a cold pool on a hot day, it's only SCARY until you do it!

YES it's SHOCKING AT FIRST, then immediately after you took the plunge, you are OVERTAKEN WITH THE SENSE OF RELIEF at making a healthy, bold choice, and taking that leap of faith.

All the while, knowing YOU took charge, and now YOU FEEL the results. Tingly all over, every nerve stimulated, you're now totally energized, instead of miserably hot and lethargic.

You feel so alive and just want to scream for joy!

My go to principle when I'm unsure or doubt creeps in is to become INTROSPECTIVE and LOOK INSIDE first.

Lets take that FIRST STEP at determining your path together...

Beginning with this AMAZING tool!

It's great for focusing your efforts and determining your overall "balance"

Step 1


  • Make a circle, big enough to write in. Use the image above as a guide

  • Make at least 8 "spokes" (lines across the circle like in the image)

    • 1 for each area of life that has meaning to you at this time

They can be pretty GENERAL or VAGUE for now, we'll work on getting you LASER-Focused later.

Step 2


Now, put a DOT on each line to represent how close you are to your IDEAL in that area of your life at this time.

The CENTER of the circle... Represents the LEAST IDEAL (0%)

The EDGE of the circle Is the MOST IDEAL (100%)

Go with your GUT here, and start placing the DOTs on the lines.

I know you might feel like they all should go in the center, but what we're measuring is the balance in your life AT THIS MOMENT.

Surely one area is closer or further from ideal than another.

Step 3


Connect the DOTS.

That's It!

Did you get an hourglass, a cool spider's web of imbalance or a perfect circle inside a circle?

When everything is in balance, you have a nice even line going all the way around.

When out of balance you get an hour glass shape etc., that points out those areas that are least IDEAL, and of course your overall balance.

Later, we'll get into what to do AFTER you become "balanced".

Who wants to be perfectly balanced at the CENTER of the wheel right?

See, after a little introspection, you "Set YOUR Path" confidently, with amazing results!

This "gift" was shared with me years ago by a mentor, when I truly needed it. Please share this little gift with someone you know who is ready to take BOLD ACTION.

If you liked that little sample of the Awareness Principles Training...

Become a Patron and get "gifts" like that every week.

A small donation will help pay the bills

READ MORE about why I started Awareness Principles training, and how it will help you .

It's easy to feel lost and overwhelmed when looking for methods of self improvement and health. There are so many ways, methods, or paths to choose.

Should you go LEFT? Should you go UP? Should you go BACK?

The goal here isn't to overwhelm you with choices, rather, teach you how to make the most informed choices, that allow you to...


Making a good choice alone is difficult, but possible. At this point, maybe you don't even know enough about yourself to know how to choose a path that's RIGHT FOR YOU. Even after you choose, how can you be sure it will provide results that support your growth, and are in alignment with YOUR TRUE PATH.

You want to make choices that are as flexible as your growth itself. Even if you choose well and the lesson is successful, how will you continue on your chosen path of success as you grow? The answer is by learning the Principles of Awareness, applying them throughout your growth cycles to succeed at navigating your chosen path and not being overwhelmed by too many options.

The principle to learn here is…

"Do whatever works"

Sounds overly simplified I know, but there's a lot hidden in those 3 words. It is true however, that there are infinite ways (or techniques) of accomplishing your goals. Being open to increased AWARENESS allows you to see more clearly options that were there the whole time. Then it becomes about finding PRINCIPLES that will work for YOU.

By using only the techniques that really resonate with you (and your current comfort level) you'll see success more rapidly and steadily. No wasted time or energy chasing the wrong methods, just because they are popular. Time and energy are precious resources, after a small taste of growth & success, based solely on principles your increased awareness has allowed you to discover, you'll want more. Simple effective and efficient means to reach further than you thought you could quickly. Every moment wasted trying to "walk through mud" forcing your way through some technique that isn't right for you, is time or energy that could have been directed towards your goals.

"All you need to master are Awareness Principles"

So open yourself to what is offered here at Awareness Principles you will maximize your learning and open a world of discovery that will last the rest of your life!

Take the basic Awareness Principles class to wake up from this fog of confusion over methods.

I've been helping people just like you (starting with myself) to make honest change.

My Methodology and Approach in Teaching...

I literally...

learn to teach & teach to learn

Meaning, when I learn something new, it is with the understanding that I will share that learning with others. In fact, when I learn something new to me, it is with the intent of fully experiencing it;

  • mentally

  • spiritually

  • and physically

so that I can immediately translate that learning into something useful for others.

My "learning style" is a combination of all learning styles. If I miss even one, I struggle to assimilate something new. I seriously have to research as much as I can on my own, be shown by someone who knows what they are doing (has mastered it), do it on my own (with no help or coaching unless I ask for it to re-enforce an idea or step), THEN, I'll understand more fully.

After fully learning something, I can immediately break topics down into the principles that they are comprised of, which I find that those principles would help me explain the learning in any number of ways as needed by the learner's unique perspective. Making it the most effective learning, not only for myself but those around me seeking the same knowledge.

Finding & understanding the principles also allowed me to shorten the time necessary to teach/learn, and gives the freedom to apply them to many other lessons.

I prefer a straightforward and fun approach to learning. Lots of "play" (or exploration) and laughter (especially to break tension or not take yourself too seriously), keeping things light especially the more serious stuff. It seems the more serious the topic, the easier it is to be lighthearted and energetic when teaching it. In Russian Martial Arts, they tend to smile during training, keeping it light-hearted and fun so they can reserve the "serious face" for when it's needed. It works this way for me too, so I prefer to teach that way.

The method that seems to work best is:

  • 15 minutes of teaching and sharing (only 5 are lecture)

  • followed by 45 minutes of fun exploration "play"

Anything more than that and you risk getting the "Full Cup" syndrome. It took years of teaching complex computing & networking concepts and business process improvement skills, and project management principles to a diverse group of learners (everyone from 5 year olds to 80 year olds, mom & pop and fortune 500 companies). Soon it became real apparent that we each have a limited amount of new learning we are able to take in, in one sitting. Then our "cup becomes full".

no amount of pushing can add to a cup that's already spilling over

Now there's other side of the "Full Cup" syndrome, the one where you come into training with a cup that is already full. Full of life's hassles (work pressure, distress from family or friends, new stress from strangers or fighting bureaucracy etc.), even your own bias to learning a topic or from a particular teacher or by yet another new method with little or no explanation of why you would do it that way. As before, there's no point in even starting the training.

Typical didactic and ego driven schooling, by forcing you into someone's box of learning only WHEN & HOW they say (Didactic) with no flexibility on their part (the Ego), precludes the open-minded and empty cup necessary for a learning opportunity you should be enjoying.

No amount of learning can be shoved into your head, even though that's not how learning works, it is how teaching is perceived. You must make yourself a willing learner. Until you have opened up to the idea that you can receive new ideas, any learning won't happen.

I call it developing the "Burning Desire to learn". Once you do this, nothing can stop you from learning, even bad teaching and boring techniques.

So get in the habit of "Dumping" your Full Cup, and get ready to receive new learning fully.

Wanna know how to dump your cup?

Generally doing something 180 degrees different from what your are learning is the best way.

- Do something physical if the learning is by reading or lecture.

- Read a book or listen to music, if you are about to do something physical like martial arts or other physical exercise.

- Spiritual learning coming your way soon? Try eating truly nourishing foods, and drinking clean, clear water after a nice rest and gentle stretching to open all the energy pathways, so the physical body is fully awake and open to fully immerse your awareness in your physical self.

Being who I am and how I learn is what brought about this unique opportunity for you to grow more easily and fully than you thought was possible.

Try to keep these principles in mind throughout your awareness learning here and anywhere else you choose to learn. You'll be amazed at how you can create your own positive learning environment. Then take time to watch others who haven't emptied their cups and opened to the awesome learning opportunity they are about to experience.

It's one of the benefits of increasing your awareness, you immediately see those who lack increased awareness and wonder how you could ever have been like that. Don't worry, we are always unaware of something, and it won't be long before you find something else to increase your awareness of.

Instead of being a pompous ass about it, try using the principles that are now clear to you to help those others expand their awareness. The best you can do to inspire someone else to develop the "Burning Desire" is project your own example of how it's working for you and how easy it can be to follow your heart to what works best.

It's hard to deny that we are here on earth to learn, and to mewhy learn if we are not going share that learning with others. That's why I


Love Life & Light,
