In Barn Leasing

Avon Valley Show Stables offers in barn lease options to current riders. Leasing provides a wonderful for riders to practice their skills on one consistent horse or pony. Generally, riders will have up to 2 hours with “their” pony. 30 minutes is spent grooming and tacking up, followed by riding for up to an hour (riding time includes warming up and cooling down at the walk), followed by 30 minutes of untacking and putting the horse away. Lessees are expected to take two lessons per week. The lesson fee is not included in the price of the lease. Please note that due to our busy lesson program, the available times of some school horses may be limited. Any missed riding days may not be rescheduled; if a day is missed, they are forfeit. AVSS is not required to provide an additional horse in the event a lease horse is lame.
Missed days cannot be carried over.

Beginner riders

coming soon


coming soon

intermediate RIDERS

coming soon

Advanced RIDERS

coming soon