
Participatory Exploration and Design of Human-Vehicle


AutoUI 2023



An incremental but increasingly fast-paced revolution is taking place in our complex world: Automation capabilities of vehicles and development speed are growing, amplified with an even stronger push towards sustainability. As in these progressively more cooperative systems, humans, technical co-systems, organizations, society and environment all play their role to solve complex scenarios, a structured and integrated design is one of the keys to successful cooperation between automated vehicles and humans (as drivers, passengers and road users). This development not only carries risks, but also opens the opportunity to design systems, which are capable of dynamic cooperation instead of merely completing predefined tasks. 

In this workshop, we want introduce our human systems integration approach that we use in our research and design work, to design interactions for cooperative vehicles. We will be providing the tools and methods needed for a successful design process that integrates and balances the needs of experts, users and other stakeholders.


Together with you we want to explore a new vehicle interaction concept for transitions in level 3 automated vehicles in this workshop, sharing the methods and approaches that we use in our research and design work.



There are no prerequisites for participating in this workshop. On the contrary, the nature of user interfaces, connecting the human with a technical system makes interdisciplenarity necessary. Thus, the workshop is directed at automotive engineers, interaction and user experience designers, systems engineers, psychologists, as well as interested researchers and developers of any field.



Ideation & Brainstorm

Kicking off to the workshop by generating new ideas for the transition in a level 3 automated vehicle to a human fall-back option.

System Analysis

Structuring the idea by creating an initial system analysis using a number of methods such as personas, user stories and stakeholder analysis.

Exploration & Design

Explore different design options and potential combinations using methods such as serious play to highlight challenges and discover new solutions.


Finally concepts will be implemended as a basic User Interface, creating a click dummy  ready for the first user test.



Marcel Usai M.Sc

RWTH Aachen & Fraunhofer FKIE

Dr. Joscha Wasser

Fraunhofer FKIE

Dr. Nicolas Herzberger

RWTH Aachen & Fraunhofer FKIE

Prof. Frank Flemisch

RWTH Aachen & Fraunhofer FKIE



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