
week of FEBRUARY 7

Monday: Monday’s meeting was the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates 36th meet, and the teams mostly focused on preparing the pit display for the upcoming competition Saturday. The team for MARK 1, or Automated Alternates, consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash, and they mostly worked on the tri-fold and the presentation. Anton started adding the pictures of the team members onto the trifold, while Daniel, Sarah, Simon, Yash, started finalizing the portfolio presentation. Since Nathan wasn’t here that day, Yash took his place for the day with Kyle and practiced driving and edited the code. Now moving onto HÉRMIÓNE, or Automated Admiralty, it consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennett, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach, and they mostly worked on the anchor and testing the autonomous. Anthony and Eve continued working on the tri-fold by cutting strips of paper to use as “separators” on the tri-fold. Bennet, Jacob, Paulie, and Tyler continued working on the anchor which is being used as a part of the pit display. The anchor represents the “Admiralty” part of the team name “Automated Admiralty”. Finally, Zach worked on the autonomous for the new topper, while Bennett and Jacob tested the design.

Tuesday: Tuesday’s meeting was the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates 37th meet, and the teams finalized autonomous and driving, as well as working on the tri-folds. The team for MARK 1, or Automated Alternates, consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash, and teams work on autonomous and the pit display. Anton worked on the tri-fold, while Sarah worked on the engineering notebook and Instagram. Daniel, Mason, and Sarah worked on spare alliance markers for both teams in case the acrylic numbers break while we are away at the competition. Kyle and Nathan, with the assistance of Yash keeping score, did some practice runs for the presentation. Finally, Sarah, Simon, and Yash finalized the presentation that would be presented at the next meet (Wednesday). Now moving onto HÉRMIÓNE, or Automated Admiralty, it consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennett, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach, and they worked on the pit display and edited the autonomous. Anthony and Eve worked on the tri-fold, while Bennet and Jacob finished the anchor for the pit display. Bennet and Paulie worked on finalizing the presentation for tomorrow, while Jacob finished the topper. Finally, Arnav, Tyler, and Zach continued working on the autonomous, while Jacob also assisted to test it.

Wednesday: Wednesday’s meeting was the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates 38th meet, and the teams presented their team presentations to the judges in preparation for the competition on Saturday.

Thursday: Thursday’s meeting is the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates 34th meet, and the teams re-built the field to its original form and prepared the robots for next Saturday’s competition. Like just said, Bennett, Mason, Paulie, and Tyler worked on putting the field/arena back to its original form. In addition, Bennet, Mason, and Tyler also worked on making mascot buttons that the team will be having for the FTC competition. The team for MARK 1, or Automated Alternates, consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash, and they worked on the portfolio and programming. Anton continued designing the trifold for the pit display for the FTC competition next Saturday, while Sarah edited the Instagram and set up a linktree for the teams. Daniel and Mason worked on the portfolio and fixed some motors, while Kyle and Nathan fixed the programming that crashed and coded the autonomous portion for all four starting positions on the field. Now moving onto HÉRMIÓNE, or Automated Admiralty, it consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennet, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach, and they worked on adding the button sticker marker and programming the blue autonomous. Anthony worked on the blog and trifold design, while Eve started finalizing the mascot head. Bennet, Jacob, Paulie, and Tyler added the power button sticker maker, which is needed to allow the robot into the competition. Finally, Zach programmed the autonomous portion for the “blue side”. The “blue side” is what color team you are on during the competition, which is random.

Saturday: Saturday’s meeting was the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates 35th meet, and the teams finalized all portfolios, as it was due that day, and started construction of the trifold. The team for MARK 1, or Automated Alternates, consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash, and as said before they finished the portfolio and started constructing the trifold. Anton and Sarah are using a white trifold base and use Adobe Illustrator to print and cut out the letters which will be used on the trifold. Daniel, Mason, Sarah, and Simon made all finalizations onto the portfolio, and once done started the feedback form. Kyle and Nathan, with the assistance of Mason, worked on the autonomous portion for MARK 1, got the side panels attached, and completed a scrimmage. Now moving onto HÉRMIÓNE, or Automated Admiralty, it consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennett, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach, and they worked on finalizing the portfolio as well and adjusting the robot. Anthony and Eve started constructing the trifold using a black trifold as the base and using letters printed out from Adobe Illustrator. Bennett and Jacob, with the assistance of Eve, finalized the portfolio. Bennett, Jacob, and Paulie made sure the robot could pass inspection and designed a new topper which will make HÉRMIÓNE top the shipping hub easier. Finally, Tyler and Zach continued improving the autonomous code.