week of January 18

Tuesday: Tuesday’s meet was the robotics team's 24th meeting and THE WHOLE TEAM was here to put in all their effort. This meeting was mostly based on completing the portfolios and presentations that we will be presenting to the judges soon. The team for MARK 1 consisted of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash. Anton, Daniel, Mason, Simon, and Yash all worked on the portfolio, as well as prepared the presentation. Kyle and Nathan continued programming and testing the autonomous portion for MARK 1. In addition, Sarah assisted when needed and edited the engineering notebook and Instagram. Moving on, the team for HÉRMIÓNE consisted of Anthony, Arnav, Bennett, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach. Anthony, Arnav, Bennet, Eve, Paulie, and Tyler worked and finished the portfolio, as well as started to plan out their presentation. Furthermore, Arnav, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach all assisted to swap control hubs, fix the configuration regarding the programming, and continue to make modifications to the gripper on HÉRMIÓNE. Eve created a new topper for HÉRMIÓNE making it look like the team's mascot. Finally, Zach also continued to program the duck autonomous portion.

Wednesday: Wednesday’s meeting was the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates’ 25th meet, and we all spent our time preparing and presenting the portfolios and presentations for the First Tech Challenge judges. Automated Alternates, the team for MARK 1, consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash, and they presented to 2 judges, as well as working on the autonomous mode. Automated Admiralty, the team for HÉRMIÓNE consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennett, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach. They also presented to 2 judges, as well as replaced the gripper. Overall, both teams did a great job and are putting in their best effort as the season is slowly coming to an end.

Thursday: Thursday’s meeting was the Automated Admiralty and Automated Alternates’ 26th meet, and we mainly focused on doing HÉRMIÓNE’s and MARK 1’s runs. For context, a run is a robot(s) completing different tasks following the FTC rules and game setup in a span of two minutes and thirty seconds to see how many points they can score. In our case, HÉRMIÓNE and MARK 1 have to each complete four runs in the span of two weeks. Once all the runs are completed, the points the robot(s) earned from every run will be added up for the final score. Keep in mind penalties can also affect the total score, by decreasing the points earned. Moving on, Thursday each robot completed three runs and the teams worked along to make adjustments and notes on how they can improve their performance. The team for MARK 1 consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash, and they did three runs as said above. The first run MARK 1 scored sixty points and the team realized they needed to practice driving and to improve the autonomous mode. The second run MARK 1 scored thirteen points, so before the team continued any further they did a practice run where they scored around one hundred points. The third and final round for Thursday, MARK 1 scored around eighty-two to eighty-nine points. Next, the team for HÉRMIÓNE consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennet, Eve, Jacob, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach, and they did three runs like said above. The first run HÉRMIÓNE scored 68 points and realized they needed to improve the autonomous mode. The second run they scored 98 points, even though the controller disconnected and they need to improve coding. Before the team moved onto the third run, HÉRMIÓNE did a practice run where they scored one-hundred and twenty-two points. Now for the third and final run, they scored one-hundred and eight points and realized that their duck wheel needed some improvement.

Friday: Snow day!!!