week of january 3

Monday (1/3): Monday’s meeting was our team's 14th meet, and we continued to show up with a positive attitude. Bennett, Sarah, and Yash worked together on starting to understand the portfolio criteria and Bennett also looked over legal and illegal parts regarding robots. The graphic design and social media team, which consisted of Anthony, Anton, and Sarah for today, continued to work together. Anthony and Anton started to incorporate the blog into the website while Sarah worked on the engineering notebook and Instagram. Moving on, the engineering and programming team, which consisted of Arnav, Daniel, Jacob, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Paulie, Simon, and Zach for today, continued working together. Arnav, Jacob, and Paulie attached a distance and color sensor to their robot, HÉRMIÓNE, for the autonomous period as well as to calibrate the sensors. Zach also assisted HÉRMIÓNE by starting to code the autonomous motors. Next Daniel, Mason, and Simon mounted, worked, and tested movement regarding their “pulley” feature on their robot, EVA UNIT 13. Finally, Kyle and Nathan built an Entrapption star, managed cables, and drove their robot, MARK 1, as well as found a new design for their arm.

Tuesday (1/4): Tuesday’s meet was the Automated Admiralty's 15th meeting, and we continued to work hard throughout the day. Bennett and Sarah introduced the portfolio information to the team, and robot leaders of HÉRMIÓNE and MARK 1, decided to prepare a portfolio for the interviews of their robots. The graphic design and social media team, which consisted of Anthony, Anton, Eve, and Sarah for today, continued working together. Anthony and Anton continued adding the blog to the website as well as working on the parent thank you note. While they worked on that Eve and Sarah made final changes to the hoodie designs by figuring out placing and the text fonts for names. Moving forward the programming and engineering team, which consisted of Arnav, Daniel, Jacob, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Paulie, Simon, and Zach for today, continued working together as well. Arnav, Jacob, and Paulie mounted a stronger duck motor to their robot, HÉRMIÓNE, as well as completed coding for automation and the duck wheel. Zach also helped with the coding for HÉRMIÓNE by writing the code for the duck motor and assisted with the code on the automation portion. Next, Daniel, Mason, and Simon completed their “pulley” feature on their robot, EVA UNIT 13. In addition, they added the motor for their “spinning star”. Finally, Kyle and Nathan redesigned their robot’s arm once more as well as practiced driving their robot MARK 1.

Wednesday (1/5): Wednesday’s meet was the robotics team's 16th meeting, and we got some videos of our robots, which can be found in the Automated Admiralty’s Instagram highlights, titled “ROBOTS”. Bennett continued doing research on the portfolio’s and he started to make the template for the team's portfolios. The graphic design and social media team, which consisted of Anthony, Anton, Eve, and Sarah for today, continued to work together. Anthony published the blog onto the website, while Anton worked on the topper that our robots will be using for the FTC games. Eve also assisted Anton with the topper as well as collaborated with Sarah to understand our hoodie designs. Moving on, the engineering and programming team, which consisted of Arnav, Daniel, Jacob, Kyle, Nathan, Paulie, and Zach for today, continued to work together. Arnav, Jacob, and Paulie installed rubber bands onto their claw to have more grip when they pick up things, as well as practicing more driving on their robot HÉRMIÓNE. Zach also assisted with HÉRMIÓNE by programming the autonomous mode for the duck wheel and to pick up cargo. Daniel made a 3D print model “box”, that will be attached to their “pulley” system, for his robot EVA UNIT 13 and he also worked on stabilizing the “pulley”. Finally, Kyle and Nathan continued to work on the arm for their robot MARK 1.

Thursday (1/6): Thursday’s meeting is the Automated Admiralty’s 17th meet, and everyone continued working very hard. The graphic design and social media team, which consisted of Anthony, Anton, Eve, and Sarah for today, continued working together. Anthony continued working on the website while Anton worked on the topper some more. After discussing with the team Eve and Sarah decided to have team t-shirts instead of hoodies, so they brainstormed t-shirt designs together. Moving forward, the programming and engineering team, which consisted of Arnav, Bennett, Daniel, Jacob, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Paulie, Simon, Yash, and Zach for today, continued working together. Arnav, Jacob, and Paulie worked on the phone mount and they also upgraded the gripper on their robot HÉRMIÓNE. Zach also assisted HÉRMIÓNE by programming the duck wheel sensor. Their robot also won the practice scrimmage we had between HÉRMIÓNE and EVA UNIT 13. Daniel, Mason, and Simon put their robot, EVA UNIT 13, back together and worked on their 3D bucket with the assistance of Bennett, Jacob, and Yash. Finally, Kyle and Nathan redesigned the arm on their robot, MARK 1, again.

Saturday (1/8): Saturday’s meeting was the team's 18th meet, and we worked long and hard, especially with figuring out the two teams for the FTC games, known as the Automated Admiralty and the Automated Alternates. The Automated Admiralty consists of Anthony, Arnav, Bennett, Eve, Jacob, Jai, Paulie, Tyler, and Zach; and the team will be competing with the robot HÉRMIÓNE. The Automated Alternates consists of Anton, Daniel, Kyle, Mason, Nathan, Sarah, Simon, and Yash; and the team will be competing with the robot EVA UNIT 13 or MARK 1 (still undecided). Moving on the graphic design and social media team, which consisted of Anton, Eve, and Sarah continued working together. Anton finished the design of the topper and started to 3D print it. Eve and Sarah finished the design of the t-shirts after receiving feedback from the team, and Eve also continued working on the mascot head. Next, the engineering and programming team, which consisted of Arnav, Bennett, Daniel, Jacob, Mason, Nathan, Paulie, Simon, and Zach for today, continued working together. Arnav, Jacob, and Paulie, with the assistance of Bennett, rebuilt HÉRMIÓNE’s gripper claw and won the scrimmage we held that day. Zach also helped with HÉRMIÓNE by programming the autonomous period some more. Daniel, Mason, and Simon worked on the “pulley” system, on their robot EVA UNIT 13, and 3D printed and sanded down the box for the “pulley”. Finally, Nathan continued work on MARK 1’s arm.