Employment Agency

The task below was designed by M. I. during the in-service teacher training program at Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School at EMU in 2019-2020 Fall semester.

You work for an employment agency. Your duty is to provide advice to unemployed people and help them to find jobs. One of your clients has been looking for a job for a long time and has applied to many jobs however none of the companies s/he applied accepted his application and thus he is still between jobs. When you investigated his situation, you realized that the applicant has graduated from your department as a high honour student however s/he lacks 21st century skills. Therefore, you decided to help him/her by suggesting some of the 21st century skills that you think are very important for him/her to find a job s/he wants. In order to be able to help him/her, you decided to prepare a video related to the 21st century skills and share with him/her online.