

1. Is American Pet Health Care (Also) Uniquely Inefficient? [Journal link] [Author copy]

     with Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein

     American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 107 (5): 491-495, May 2017. Online Appendix 

       Select coverage:  Slate  (September 2016), The Atlantic  (October 2016), The New York Times  (January 2017), Harvard Business Review  (January 2017) , The Economist  (January 2017)    

2. Impacts of Performance Pay for Hospitals: The Readmissions Reduction Program [Journal link] [Author copy] 

    American Economic Review, 111(4): 1241-1283, April 2021. Online Appendix   

Finalist, 2022 NIHCM Research award

Media coverage: LDI Blog   (January 2019) , NEJM Catalyst   (January 2019)

3. The Impact of the Affordable Care Act: Evidence from California's Hospital Sector [Journal link] [NBER paper]

     with Mark Duggan and Emilie Jackson

     American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14 (1): 111-151, February 2022. Online Appendix

Media coverage: LA Times  (January 2019), National Review  (January 2019)

4. The Effect of Performance Pay Incentives on Market Frictions: Evidence from Medicare [Journal link] [NBER paper]

      with Guy David and Lucy Kim

      International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 23 (1): 27–57, March 2023.  Online Appendix  

5. Owner Incentives and Performance in Healthcare: Evidence from Private Equity [Journal link][NBER paper]
    with Sabrina Howell, Constantine Yannelis, and Abhinav Gupta

    The Review of Financial Studies, 37(4): 1029-1077. Editor's choice and Lead article.

   Online Appendix  

    Awarded "Best Paper in Health and Finance" by the Midwest Finance Association, 2021

    Finalist, 2024 NIHCM Research award

     Cited by:

Select coverage: Financial Times  (May 2020), New York Times  (May 2020), Time   (May 2020), The Washington Post   (December 2020), Vox  (February 2021), Wharton Business Daily podcast  (March 2021), NPR: All things considered  (March 2021), NBER Digest (April 2021), Tradeoffs   (August 2021), The New Yorker  (August 2022), Yahoo  (February 2023), Tradeoffs podcast (May 2024)

6. The Corporatization of Independent Hospitals [Journal link][NBER paper] 

     with Elena Andreyeva, Catherine Ishitani, Gosia Sylwestrzak, and Ben Ukert 

      Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, August 2024.

Media coverage: Elevance Public Policy Institute Brief  (August 2023), Fierce Healthcare  (August 2023), Modern Healthcare (August 2023) NBER Digest (December 2023)

Working Papers:  

7. The Impact of Privatization: Evidence from the Hospital Sector [NBER paper]   

     with Mark Duggan, Emilie Jackson, and Zachary Templeton

Reject and Resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics

Media coverage: Vox  (January 2023), Stanford SIEPR policy brief (January 2023), LDI Policy blog (March 2023)

8. Selection and Causal Effects under Voluntary Programs: Evidence from Bundled Payments [NBER paper]  

     with Joe Martinez and Amol Navathe

9. Turbocharging Profits? Contract Gaming and Revenue Allocation in Healthcare [NBER paper] 

     with Adam Sacarny and Ambar La Forgia

Select works in progress:

10. Physician Learning and Forgetting: Evidence from the US Military 

      with Stephen Schwab and Trevor Fitzgerald

11. The Long-Term Effects of Medicare Advantage 

      with Amol Navathe and Aaron Schwartz

Health Policy

1. An Insurer’s Program To Incentivize Generic Oncology Drugs Did Not Alter Treatment Patterns Or Spending On Care [Journal link]

     with Laura Yasaitis, Craig Newcomb, Era Kim, Lee Newcomer, and Justin Bekelman

     Health Affairs, 38 (5) 812-819, May 2019.

Media coverage: Fierce Healthcare  (May 2019)

2. Spending And Quality After Three Years Of Medicare’s Voluntary Bundled Payment For Joint Replacement Surgery [Journal link]

with  Amol Navathe, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Atheendar S. Venkataramani, Qian Huang, Claire T. Dinh, Eric Z. Shan, Dylan Small, Norma B. Coe, Erkuan Wang, Xinshuo Ma, Jingsan Zhu, Deborah  S. Cousins, and Joshua M. Liao 

     Health Affairs, 39 (1): 58–66, January 2020. 

3. Elevated End of Life Spending: A New Measure of Potentially Wasteful Healthcare Spending at End of Life [Journal link]

     with  Yongkang Zhang, Sean Nicholson, and Jing Li

Health Services Research, 58(1): 186-194, February 2023. 

4. Growth of Medicare Advantage After Plan Payment Reductions [Journal link]

     with Aaron Schwartz, Seyoun Kim, and Amol Navathe

JAMA Health Forum, 4(6), June 2023. 

5. Is Employment Group Insurance Financing of Expensive Gene Therapies Threatened in the United States? [Journal link]

     with Jalpa Doshi, Morgan Eilers, Mark Pauly, and Alexander Olssen

Health Affairs Scholar, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 2023. Editor's choice.

Media coverage: LDI Blog  (October 2023)

Policy advisory, other articles, and media

Lancet's commission to reimagine India's health system:

The Lancet has organized a commission to study India's health care system and offer recommendations to "reimagine" it so India can achieve universal health coverage and access. I am a commissioner on the Finance workstream. 

Other articles and presentations: 

Media mentions