Home Theatre

The Genesis

Pandemic had been devastating for all, for more than one reason. But it also has another side, especially to the arts and more specific to theatre. Covid pushed us theatrewallahs to explore beyond the comfort zone of performing and entertaining. The meaning and purpose of performing has been dramatically changed for us at Atelier, post pandemic, in a positive way. We moved out of auditoriums and discovered that every 'home" is a space for performance; needless to say, without the paraphernalia of the traditional theatre performance/s. 

What is our Story?

While the virus was spreading all over, we at Atelier, with Home Theatre, started to spread rapidly with Daastaan-E-Guru Nanak (The Story of Guru Nanak), a musical daastangoi around the life, learnings and journeys of Baba Nanak; and in the span of 14 months, we offered more than 100 performances across New Delhi/NCR in homes, communities, living rooms, terraces and basements, reaching out to more than 8000 lovely audiences. Religious spaces started to invite us, too. A friend invited our performance for an evening baithak and the audience attending the show, asked us, if we can bring the show to the 98th birth anniversary of her grandmother. We couldn't say NO. How can we? This is Atelier's Home Theatre and its aesthetics.

Way Ahead!

The same daastaan (we would prefer calling it "offering") was invited to Adeliade Fringe, Australia and Melbourne & Shadipur Theatre Festival, New Delhi; Veda Factory, Mumbai; and the journey is on with upcoming offerings: August 8, 2023 at Greater Kailash, New Delhi; September 29, 2023 at Guru Ram Dass Girls School, Milak, Rampur (Uttar Pradesh) & October 28, 2023 at a theatre festival in BareIlly, Uttar Pradesh. The East India (Bihar & West Bengal) tour is in the pipeline, scheduled for November 2023. August 2024 is planned for UK tour.

The home of "Home Theatre" has transcended the boundaries and embraced the world, as its home - its performance space. 

Keep Blessing!!!      

Daastaangoi is an Urdu oral storytelling art form. "Daastaan" means "stories"; "Goi" is "to tell".

"It is a tradition of creating and telling stories that defines South Asia"

(Above) Gaurav Suri, the daastaango of "Daastaan-E-Guru Nanak" at Adelaide Fringe, Australia.

(Below) Vanshika Kaushik, Vaibhav Mishra & Niharika Pandey at Rajouri Garden in New Delhi 

Guneet Kaur sings the baani (verses) of Baba Nanak intermittently & Gaurav Suri narrates the tale. 

Photo: Studio Safdar, Shadipur, New Delhi

Rupank Sharma (Left) & Raghav Arora (Right) offering the daastaan on the terrace of HBA TZR Residency, Greater Noida